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You will need determination, humility, and courage if you are to master anything.
The writer’s tragic death at age 46 has led many to view him as a tortured artist. Here’s why this label is reductive.
After mammoth investments and two decades of anti-aging research, what do immortality proponents have to show for it?
A far-ranging conversation about telescopes, what they do, and who they impact. When most of us think of astronomy, we think about two types of scientists: the observers who point their […]
Noise causes stress. For our ancestors, it meant danger: thunder, animal roars, war cries, triggering a ‘fight or run’ reaction.
We often discuss what the minimum wage does to the economy, but rarely do we discuss what it does to people.
Observations have been ruined; scientific satellites with the right-of-way have had to alter course. Here’s a how-to guide to doing better. In any field of business or industry, the prevailing rule […]
Lovers deadlier than gangsters, first comprehensive Danish homicide study since 1970s shows
Brain plasticity. Mindful superpowers. Pokémon invading our grey matter. Scientists have only begun to learn about the human brain.
In 1789, William Herschel discovered this unique moon around Saturn. 230 years later, its secrets are more promising than ever. Today marks the 230th anniversary of the discovery of Enceladus, one […]
One group of women still seem to benefit from the popular diet.
In all the years of NASA, we’ve never touched the Sun before. Here’s why it’s so hard. This past weekend, NASA successfully launched the Parker Solar Probe: the first spacecraft that […]
A survey of Americans’ views on legalization as AG Sessions restarts nationwide prosecutions.
A previously unknown species – single people – has recently been discovered.
Scientists are starting to run for office to bring evidence-based reasoning back to government.
With liquid water, an energy source, and the perfect raw ingredients, Enceladus might be the holy grail we’ve been seeking. This article is written by contributing author Jesse Shanahan. Jesse is […]
Look who went and got himself a talk show. Big Think’s regular contributor Bill Nye will be on Netflix in 2017!
A new study reports that political language is becoming more partisan and polarized. How is this new and what effects might this have on our republic?
If perfected, Gene therapy promises to heal in one shot, without complications or side effects.
Such a question assumes we’d be able to contact aliens should we find them. Bill’s not entirely sure we’ll be able to.
4 min
Ever want to get rid of the link to that pic of you doing a keg stand? Google can help. And it’s pretty creepy.
On February 8, 1915, at Clune’s Auditorium in Los Angeles, California, D. W. Griffith’s Birth of a Nation premiered. The fledgling art form of film would never be the same, especially in America, which even half a century after the end of the Civil War struggled to come to terms with race. Now, a century after Birth of a Nation’s premier, America still struggles not only with race, but also with how race plays out on the silver screen. For good and ill, Birth of a Nation marks the beginning of the first 100 years of the American Cinema—epically beautiful, yet often racially ugly.
The four major American sports leagues like to boast that women make up about 40-45% of their fanbases. Yet when it comes to participating in sports conversation on Twitter, women form a minuscule percentage of followers.
You’ll be investing 5-to-7 years of your life. What will you get back? “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” –Benjamin Franklin Recently, a number of people — of widely different ages […]
When Man of Steel opened in theaters on June 14, 2013, it pulled in $116.6 million USD that opening weekend alone. Superman remains a box office bonanza in his eighth […]
As I mentioned earlier, I took part in a discussion panel at Skepticon V last month, How Should Rationalists Approach Relationships and Marriage? The video of that panel is now […]
Fall is a busy time, school starts and big books you’ve been waiting to read for months finally get published. For myself, and by extension Waq al-waq this fall has […]
This past weekend, I was in Springfield, Missouri for Skepticon V (“the fifth most annual Skepticon yet”). I had such a fantastic time at Skepticon IV in 2011, it was […]