When someone attempts to make you afraid of something that hasn’t happened instead of a true, present danger, suspect this nefarious ploy.
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You searched for: Alex Jones
Journalists, doctors, and others you should know.
Sharing QAnon disinformation is harming the children devotees purport to help.
Pandemic rumors and information overload make separating fact from fancy difficult, putting people’s health and lives at risk.
A clip of this disingenuous documentary is making the rounds.
YouTube’s constantly changing hate speech and harassment policies beg the question: Where exactly is the line?
On Monday morning, YouTube removed Infowars and The Alex Jones Channel from its platform, following similar bans from Apple, Spotify and Facebook.
It’s one of only five spacecraft that will exit the Solar System, and the only one we have a chance to aim at another star. Of all the spacecraft ever launched, […]
Global warming, the MMR vaccine, UFOs, and more are in the spotlight so far. But will it work?
It marks the third such defamation against Jones, but it’s not clear the plaintiffs will have an easy case ahead of them.
On Tuesday, President Donald Trump claimed that Google is deliberately manipulating its algorithms to shut out conservative media outlets from news search results.
A recent poll shows a third of Americans think another civil war is likely. How worried should we be?
Is it a super-secret place for the global el33t? Or is it just a bunch of n00bs masquerading as true h4x0rs?
Conspiracy theorising may be a symptom of a breakdown of trust in institutions like the government and the media.
A new study out of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville traces a disturbing correlation.
Karl Popper’s ‘paradox of tolerance’ has been reemerging, for good reason.
Among other things, researchers found that there are two subgroups of the Alt-Right, but that the more economically motivated members may buy into White Supremacy over time.
The gluten free trend is growing. Does the science behind it hold up?
Survivors of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida are demanding that lawmakers in Washington take action on gun control measures.
America’s most popular conspiracy theories and the science behind them.
The work of Kremlin-approved philosopher Alexander Dugin provides key insights on the longterm strategy behind Russian hacks of the American elections.
The Justice Department announces the end of privately run Bureau of Prisons jails, and activists are excited.
In his recent New Republic article titled “Liberals Are Killing Art: How the Left became obsessed with ideology over beauty,” art critic Jed Perl makes a convoluted argument that liberalism […]
“I’ll take American Fashion History for $500, Alex.” “The answer: This man was the first American to be admitted as a member of the Chambre syndicale du prêt-à-porter des couturiers […]
I learned about last week’s fire in Seaside Park through a conspiracy theory. It read simply: ‘And I’m sure this was an accident.’ Given Jersey’s long history of questionable accidents—just […]
No doubt everyone has seen the two-part Piers Morgan interview of conspiracy-weaver, gun “enthusiast” and upcoming thespian, Alex Jones. The interview is truly bizarre: firstly, for making so many people […]
Have you read the 2008 Supreme Court decision that gives all Americans the right to own guns? Probably not. I hadn’t, until the other day, when I was stunned […]
The Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics, and Policy at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University is sponsoring a video contest on the future of news to […]
If Europe has one defining cultural characteristic, it is that it has none. This may sound like too neat a paradox, but it’s not that far from the truth. There […]