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The wait is over! Mt. Redoubt in Alaska has erupted at least five times since last night, producing as ash column at least 50,000 feet (15,000 meters) tall.
“People vary in their locations in social networks in part, we think, because there is no one location that is best, for us as individuals or for us as a species.”
nn One of the most famous eruptions in human history (at least recent history) is the 1883 eruption of Krakatau in Indonesia, made (more) famous by Simon Winchester’s book (and […]
nn So, I get a steady diet of email messages here at the Eruptions HQ, so I thought I could try a little roundup of the great information/links that you readers […]
In September 1940, a Polish army captain crept into the one place everyone wanted out: Auschwitz. His missions was to file intelligence reports on methods used at the camp.
“If the past is any guide, plenty of today’s science will be discredited in future. There is no reason to think that today’s practitioners are uniquely immune to the misconceptions.”