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Our decisions matter. You don’t need me to tell you that. Of course they matter. It almost seems a tautology, a restatement of the obvious, of the very definition of “decision.” And yet, even though we make decisions at every point in our lives . . .
My latest higher education article for Technology & Learning , Knowledge Networks , is now available. The article draws deeply from my previous blog posts, Linked, Scholarship 2.0 , and […]
n nAs New Scientist Tech points out, it will soon be possible to “evolve” colonies of robots that are able to think, act and even pass on their robotic DNA […]
The aftershocks of the controversy surrounding the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery’s decision to drop David Wojnarowicz’s 1987 video “A Fire in My Belly” from their exhibition Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire […]