Psychedelic therapy will become legal in Oregon in 2023. That’s thanks largely to a renaissance of psychedelic research that’s changing attitudes on the substances’ medical potential.
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You searched for: psilocybin
Psychedelics mess with our prior beliefs, and could help us see what forms these beliefs in the first place.
New study suggests the placebo effect can be as powerful as microdosing LSD.
Ketamine’s remarkable effect bolsters a new theory of mental illness.
The heart of the religious ritual is mysticism, argues Brian Muraresku in “The Immortality Key.”
As a new industry emerges, therapists need to be educated.
Before it fueled Woodstock and the Summer of Love, LSD was brought to America to make spying easier.
UNC School of Medicine researchers identified the amino acid responsible for the trip.
Uncovering the story of Milan Hausner, the Sadská clinic, and LSD psychotherapy behind the Iron Curtain.
The treatment is here, but are we ready?
A small percentage of people who consume psychedelics experience strange lingering effects, sometimes years after they took the drug.
Another study confirms the positive effects of psychedelics on mental health.
In “The Immortality Key,” Brian Muraresku speculates that the Eucharist could have once been more colorful.
That’s not frankincense you smell at the “holy of the holies.”
Psychedelics are going mainstream. Here’s your reading list.
It’s “the biggest blow to the war on drugs to date,” said Kassandra Frederique, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance.
The more research conducted on psychedelics, the closer we get to new therapeutic models.
Mycologist Paul Stamets believes they should be.
A biologist-reporter investigates his fungal namesake.
COVID-19 is a tragedy of the commons.
Dr. Charles Grob was the first researcher granted FDA approval to study these drugs.
FieldTrip is advancing the realm of clinical psychedelic testing.
A newly studied hallucinogenic substance has shown signs of treating mental health conditions more efficiently than psilocybin.
Clinical studies are underway. How we treat them moving forward matters.
We must rethink the “chemical imbalance” theory of mental health.
Moving the needle forward on psychedelic research.
An experimental study involving 90 heavy drinkers found promising results.
Researchers say further research is needed, though.
Clinical trials by Janssen Pharmaceuticals showed troubling results.