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For the first time ever, scientists have made an invisibility cloak from silk. Current research focuses on medical applications for diabetics while visions of Harry Potter remain far afield.
They might not truly be the “World’s Most Deadly Volcanoes”, but IAVCEI’s “Decade Volcanoes” are a list that shows just intertwined human society and volcanoes really are.
Mystery volcano in Kamchatka is disrupting flights to Asia and the local residents around Kelud in Indonesia refuse to heed the warnings of an imminent eruption. UPDATE: Erroneous news feeds got me … this is old news (but still illustrates an important point).
Not every scientific paper is great work, as any scientist will tell you. But shoddy work gets ignored or quickly debunked. There is an enormous incentive for scientists to debunk […]
A world free of disease and poverty. A dictatorial and all-powerful artificial intelligence. Picnics on sunny days with one’s grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. Genetically engineered dangerous mutants. Which one of […]
Recent research suggests that people all over the world might be modeling themselves after characters on soap operas—and that their lives are improved as a result.
Scientists have discovered that shooting high-powered lasers into the sky can create the germ of a rain cloud, opening the door to eco-friendly cloud manipulation.