“Can Scientists Just Find the God Particle Already?” That was Gawker’s amusing headline last December when scientists at the nuclear research center CERN reported “tantalizing glimpses” of the Higgs subatomic […]
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“[I]t was here that I found a scene that did not exist elsewhere. I suppose I was like a child in a sweet shop. The California beach was like heaven,” […]
When last we heard from him, experimental philosopher Jonathon Keats was building a celestial observatory for cyanobacteria. From their petri dishes, billions of these microorganisms would study images from the Hubble telescope, coming to conclusions unavailable to our more highly developed brains. Months later, they’re still at it, and we can barely begin to imagine what they are thinking.
According to former White House Special Advisor Van Jones, it will require a patient mindset to get us to the place where the country can run on cleaner and more renewable forms of energy.
You heard it here first. NO NEW BUILDINGS. The future of architecture hangs in the balance–a balance of energy and environmental constraints that will profoundly alter the way humans interact with their environment. For […]
Physicists at the Israel Institute of Technology are working on a new structure that could bring the popular science fiction device to real-world situations such as the operating room.
The US is now the world’s leading producer of natural gas but can the fuel be harvested in an environmentally sustainable way? And can we build the needed infrastructure fast enough?
It’s springtime and you know what that means. The Large Hadron Collider is back up and running, now with more energy than ever. The collider has already set new world energy records.
Arguments on both sides of this question were aired at a thought-provoking colloquium sponsored by the Hannah Arendt Center at Bard College on September 21-22: “Does the President Matter? A […]
I was working on an essay not long ago and came across a comment from Twilight author Stephenie Meyer that in her novels she wanted to write about “love, not […]
China is ahead in its effort in “stopgap” measures by building an average of one coal power plant every week. Clean coal burning is what nations have been turning to in order to help keep carbon dioxide levels down.
–Guest post by Kathrina Maramba, American University graduate student. Most of us know what we fear about nuclear energy. We fear its perceived unpredictability, its potential utility in weapons creation, and […]
Fireworks are really cool to watch, but to me, the best part is watching them with thousands of other people who have all come together with the same purpose…to […]
I’m home again, safe and sound. As I mentioned, this weekend I was in Columbus, Ohio at the 2012 Secular Student Alliance Leadership Conference, having a blast with some of […]
Two European physicists are attempting to explain black holes in the language of quantum mechanics. If successful, they could reconcile competing theories of how gravity works.
In many areas, clean energy technology has already reached an apex. What remains lacking are efficient distribution channels and better consumer communication. IT can fix all that.
To soften the feeling of pain, distract your mind with another task. Researchers say that investing mental energy elsewhere keeps your nervous system from receiving pain signals.
Offshore wind farms have access to stronger, more consistent winds and new technology will allows them to float in the sea. Next, wind farms may fly to capture atmospheric winds.
As fathers play larger roles in their children’s lives, families are reevaluating old gender roles. But when two working adults are also committed parents, what energy is left for marriage?
Love him or hate him, Jeff Koons clings to the center of the contemporary art world like few artists today. And love him or hate him, Stephen Colbert and his show […]
Watching the London Olympics, I can’t help but marvel at the dedication the athletes have exhibited to compete on their sport’s biggest stage. For most of these men and women, […]
Every Wednesday, Dr. Michio Kaku answers reader questions about physics and futuristic science. If you have a question for Dr. Kaku, just post it in the comments section below and […]
A Chinese flag, not an American one, will be planted in the lunar dust when the next manned mission to the moon occurs some time around 2025. Scientific teams in […]
If current research proves fruitful, the homes and cities of the future may be powered by viruses. Berkeley Lab scientists have genetically engineered the M13 virus to output more power.
Mining the moon for natural resources is inevitable, says engineering professor Dr. Leonhard Bernold. He has created a system that avoids potentially crippling efficiency problems.
Ahead of a major physics conference in mid-July, scientists at Europe’s Large Hadron Collider have concluded analyzing data which may finally confirm the existence of the Higgs boson.
A rash of new companies have sprung up to meet the demand for transportation of crew and cargo to orbit and to the International Space Station left by NASA’s cancelling of the shuttle program.
As the world’s largest particle collider reaches higher energy levels, scientists can better understand how the Universe’s constituent particles formed just after the big bang.
The space agency is set to launch the world’s best black hole-hunting telescope in a novel way by strapping the satellite to the underbelly of a jet, firing it into orbit from a high altitude.