The Department of Defense is handing down two telescopes it built for spying purposes. By retrofitting the hardware, NASA will be able to look for dark energy at the edges of the Universe.
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As Einstein once said, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Not being burdened by the failures of the past or the incompetencies of the present, the students’ forward-looking approach transforms these challenges into great opportunities.
The discovery of the Higgs boson was a real milestone for physics, a tremendous vindication of the hard work of thousands of physicists and engineers for the past 30 years. […]
Fracking is yet another example of the subjective, instinctive, affective way human cognition deals with risks.
Effectively engaging the American public on climate change—including its causes, impacts, and solutions—remains both a major research question and a communication challenge. Effective public engagement requires understanding the cognitive, affective, […]
By creating a Space Joint Stock Company, America’s largest energy, defense and technology companies could generate massive cash flows while providing unlimited amounts of clean energy.
It’s no secret that future disruptive demographic changes will have profound implications for the relationship between employers and employees. But what’s less well known is that some of those demographic […]
Hello readers. I’ve been on vacation for the last several days. Here’s an old post from my previous blog to fill the void. It’s about a paper by the NYU […]
Fashion, like art, knocks the dust off of life.
How could Lance Armstrong, the most famous and most highly-scrutinized cyclist in the world repeatedly pass drug tests while actively doping over the course of a decade?
Delivering a lecture at Trinity College, Dublin, the American geneticist spoke on how modern science has changed the parameters of life and how we are close to creating synthetic life.
The same mindset that drives a person to have it all eventually stops them from having what they really want.
Beyond the esoteric physical findings of the Large Hadron Collider, discovering evidence of the Higgs boson represents a milestone for human reason and is, more generally, a celebration of life.
Only two authenticated images of Emily Dickinson exist: one a painting of her (and her siblings) as a child, the other an iconic photograph of her as a teenager. In […]
Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh have successfully coaxed semiconductor electrons into vacuum tubes, preventing nano-sized collisions that slow down computing speeds.
Harvard scientists have created a nanomaterial which regulates itself by adjusting to a host external stimuli like temperature, pH, pressure, and the presence or absence of certain chemicals.
DARPA’s 100-Year Starship Initiative aims to make human space travel beyond our solar system possible within 100 years.
Boston, with its rich university resources and innovative start up incubators, stands to have the smartest creativity infrastructure in the world outside of Silicon Valley, says Dr. Boyd Cohen.
MIT researchers have created a silicon-based chip that uses the body’s own glucose energy to power tiny neural implants, which could help patients recover from spinal cord injuries.
This post was originally written for the “Because I Am An Atheist” series at The Crommunist Manifesto. Thanks to Crommunist for the inspiration! Because I am an atheist, I don’t […]
In the second decade of the 21st century, God is no longer “up there” ready to save us. Until very recently, that creative principle was something that we would ask […]
University of Chicago researchers have found that words in our native tongue carry more emotional impact than words in a second language, influencing how we make important decisions.
Katie Hinde is the Director of the Comparative Lactation Laboratory at Harvard University. Her research examines mother’s milk and how it contributes to infant development in humans and primates–including behavior, cognition and the brain. Here, she discusses the effects of breast milk on behavior, what she thinks human mothers should know and the recent (and controversial) Time magazine breastfeeding cover.
But here’s a radical idea: America needs to create an army of hackers to defend cyberspace. And sooner rather than later.
Mark Rothko only got as far as his sophomore year at Yale before fleeing that WASP nest of anti-Semitism and elitism. Forty-six years later, Yale awarded him an honorary degree […]
The U.S. Navy’s Massive Multiplayer Online Wargame Leveraging the Internet (MMOWGLI) is designed to crowdsource ideas and strategies to best meet future energy demands.
It has recently occurred to me that I’m Martian. My friends have taken to smiling and nodding when I talk about this. Some of them have been persuaded. Some of […]
Can anyone learn how to light up a room? Author Fox Cabane says that, by using empathetic body language and speaking in a cheerful yet authoritative manner, you can be more well-liked.
When I struggle to wrap my head around a problem, I often turn to art to help me literally picture the big issue and, I hope, guide me to an […]
Researchers from the public and private sectors will come together this summer to create a nuclear fusion-powered propulsion system that could save precious mission time.