Any doomsday prophet worth her salt will tell you about the coming water wars. But with the help of nanotechnology, desalination could become far less energy-intensive, i.e. cheaper.
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In order to remake the economy to increase the well-being and happiness for all people, there are some new proposed tenets of economic freedom to address.
The future is a difficult thing to grasp, and not just because we can’t see it. Bringing innovation to life requires imagination, resourcefulness, the sort of limitless creative ambition we today associate mainly with science fiction writers.
The European Space Agency has committed to building a new space telescope whose sole purpose will be to unravel the cosmological mysteries of dark matter and dark energy.
Writers can spend days, weeks holed up in a room, churning out words, not knowing if their work is any good—engaging, or just shallow “busy work.” Actors, on the other […]
I’ve been thinking quite a lot lately about what spiritual development and spiritual attainment actually mean these days. What is the purpose of being on a spiritual path for the most […]
Canada’s vast oil sands make it the world’s second-most oil producing nation. But the benefits of greater wealth and energy independence must be weighed against the environment.
Scientists have created devices that collect energy produced by human locomotion. Their next goal is to improve efficiency so electricity can be collected and stored for later use.
Will the natural gas boom revitalize the U.S. economy and provide us energy for 100 years? Fred Krupp, President of the Environmental Defense Fund, weighs in.
3 min
Brent Sherwood of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory wants the agency to take a hard look at its plans to send humans to Mars, perhaps concentrating on colonizing the Moon instead.
A court in Italy has convicted six scientists and one civil defense official of manslaughter in connection with their predictions about an earthquake in l’Aquila in 2009 that killed […]
[Editor’s Note: These mysterious messages seemingly always come in pairs, so after receiving the last one, I was expecting a counterpoint to arrive in my inbox soon. I wasn’t disappointed, […]
God know we would have satellites one day, so He left us a message
Today’s Power Woman is manifested in popular culture as a positive, gutsy role model, breaking new ground and inspiring conversation and debate about women’s role in society.
Jeff DeGraff: At Christmas, I change from one culture into another and yet another still and back again.
By Rick Popely Someday, personal transportation may be in automated vehicles that drive themselves and run on electricity or an alternative fuel. But for the foreseeable future, most Americans will rely […]
What is the Big Idea? The energy crisis is one of the greatest economic and social problems of our time. How can greenhouse gas emissions be reduced at a time […]
Theoretical Physicist Dr. Michio Kaku says that even with strong evidence of the Higgs Boson, it is not time to pop the champagne. Next up: use the Large Hardon Collider to find dark energy.
The most basic definition of collective intelligence is to get group of people to do something collectively that seems intelligent. A profound definition is the creation a global brain.
This week, physicists in Europe are expected to announce whether or not they have found the Higgs boson, which is the last undiscovered particle in the Standard Model of particle physics.
After I finished giving a lecture at the 2009 Parliament of the World’s Religions in Melbourne, an American rabbi approached me. “I’ve been following your work for some years now,” […]
First lady Michele Obama has written a new gardening book. Called “American Grown,” the book extols the virtues of sustainable local agriculture, school gardens and childhood nutrition.
What’s the Big Idea? Love your best friend? Good. Chances are you’re unconsciously emulating her. As humans, we all engage in mimicry, says Harvard physician and sociologist Nicholas Christakis, and […]
By smashing atoms of gold together at near-light speeds, scientists have created a primordial plasma state that existed for only one-millionth of second after the Big Bang occurred.
Bistra Milovansky chases inspiration for a living. The Bulgarian immigrant and self-described “holistic lawyer” can often be found doing business from a hammock in Costa Rica, working on her laptop […]
The US remains the world’s leading destination for FDI, accounting for 15 percent of global flows. China accounts for two percent of that flow and wants to invest more, but it raises national security and economic concerns.
As a predictor of technological change, the little known Wright’s Law outperforms Moore’s Law, which famously (and mostly correctly) states that computer power doubles every 18 months.
As you’ve no doubt already heard, American embassies throughout the Middle East have been attacked by violent mobs in the last few days, ostensibly due to outrage over a YouTube […]
By embracing new Web and mobile technologies, green energy companies are creating a new Cleanweb movement in which formerly expensive alternative energy sources – such as solar power – are […]
Since Germany decided to wean itself off nuclear energy, it must find new ways of achieving energy independence. That means connecting small energy suppliers to self-sufficient grids.