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You searched for: Water

“Today I’m going to work on my water machine to supply clean water to 4 billion people.” Dean Kamen wouldn’t be able to say that unless he happened to be an eternal optimist.
Robert Bruner: This third wave that I am witnessing is stemming out of computing power and digital communication technology combined with globalization, liberalization of trade and big demographic shifts, immigration and the like.  
Peter Singer:  There’s been an enormous amount of changing forces on warfare in the twenty-first century.  And they range from new actors in war like private contractors, the black waters […]
The simple truths revealed by the sky throughout the night give us a perspective unlike any other. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you […]
BEIJING AND TOKYO – The Chunjie celebrations have come to an end this week and, starting from next Monday, we can expect Beijing’s political retaliations against Tokyo and Manila for […]
Some people say, “I went white water rafting in Canada and I felt alive” or “I went to Thailand and I felt alive.”  Proust’s lesson is, “I lay in bed, and by looking at things properly, I felt properly alive.” 
I want to think about garbage today. Driving home from the store, I made an informal census of the garbage by the side of the road and in the green […]