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It wouldn’t seem as if leprosy, tuberculosis, and Crohn’s disease would have much in common. But increasing evidence points to all three diseases being caused by closely related species of […]
It might not sound impressive, but the physics behind it — and the power of its applications — are literally world-changing. Image credit: Orphek LEDs, via “Everyone must leave something behind when he […]
            It rose up out of the sea, a fearsome roaring monster unlike anything humans had ever seen, horrible, primeval, unstoppable, towering, breathing radioactive fire and leaving total destruction in […]
As Stephen Hawking argued here on Big Think, humans must find another Earth or our species will be wiped out. Luckily, NASA has been acting as our real-estate agent.  NASA […]
The scale is not your enemy — it can be your friend if you know how to use the results as feedback data, not something to get emotional about.