There is software that can track drones in open areas, but none that can do so in tight-knit, urban ones.
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You searched for: Systems
How can we solve a problem like Malaria? One doctor has an idea: send in the mathematicians.
Why are we so hung up on Pluto’s planetary status? Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson urges us to get over it already!
A global risk report by the World Economic Forum lists populism and social division among the top five trends that will determine global markets in 2017 and beyond.
Inhaling through the nose activates the regions of the brain associated with memory and emotion.
Break-ups can be bad for your health. But new research shows that writing about your separation can improve cardiac health—as long as you write in a certain way.
The causes of hit products are themselves uncausable. ‘Hit Makers’ by Derek Thompson explains why we know how to make songs, but not hits.
With quantum teleportation now occurring from Earth to satellites, how long is it before we can teleport a human being? “There would be no Star Trek unless there were transporter malfunctions.” –LeVar […]
This is huge news for the 285 million visually impaired people around the world.
Are we about to make a breakthrough to go beyond black holes? Here’s what it means if we do! “It’s becoming clear that in a sense the cosmos provides the only […]
Researchers at MIT have developed a system that can read a person’s emotions, even hidden ones, at a distance.
If we could jump 50 years into the future, what will our world look like? Flying cars? Hologram phones? Bill Nye sees two technological paths ahead – and we’re in the fork between them at this very moment.
4 min
While pejorative stereotypes have been properly cast aside, the question remains whether there is a fundamental difference between how Eastern and Western societies are configured.
Jonathon Keats proposes a “Reciprocal Biomimicry Initiative” to help return the favor after taking so many great ideas from them.
How a telescope 100 times the size of Hubble is going to change everything. “For my confirmation, I didn’t get a watch and my first pair of long pants, like […]
We may pay a price for abstract thinking.
Neuroengineering, defined as the application of engineering principles to neurological problems, then becomes how we engineer our relationship with existence itself.
Last week, an asteroid fell from the sky and struck the Lake Michigan area. What if it had been a city-killer instead? “By preventing dangerous asteroid strikes, we can save […]
Bottoms ups! A Southern Calfornia brewery is taking its beer from toilet to tap. San Diego’s Stone Brewing has started making Full Circle Pale Ale using treated sewage water and recently held a tasting. While Bill Gates has shown that drinking “poop water” is perfectly fine, will consumers chug down this beer?
It really depends on who you ask, as one European poll found out.
Our reliance on GPS is not only hurting our learning and memory systems, it’s changing our ethics.
As John Hopkins, Duke, Yale, and others integrate yoga and acupuncture, will it harm or help patients?
What happens when Shakespeare goes to prison? His works humanize prisoners and open them up to reform in a way that the prison system fails to, says author Margaret Atwood.
8 min
If humans are going to explore the solar system, we need to figure out how to live in space. The best way to figure that out is on the Moon — and you can help. Here’s how.
Percy Shelley’s 1811 essay, “The Necessity of Atheism,” still speaks volumes today.
When you’re confronted by some new information, how do you tell whether it’s valid or not? “I’m old enough to remember when the polio vaccine was still new. Also, it hadn’t […]
Yuval Noah Harari warns that the constant pursuit of happiness is neurotic—and technology isn’t helping.
It’s time to get real about key ideas that run our lives, which have been taking laughable liberties with human nature – and with the logic of livable liberty.
Amazon announces a new type of smart brick-and-mortar shopping with no checkouts.
Behind our sexual impulses — who we feel attracted to and why — complex biological interactions help determine our feelings, our obsessions, our repulsions…
6 min