Our future as humans might be great. Or non-existent. Is our government, or Silicon Valley, prepared to handle the consequences of advancing AI?
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Did you go to one of the 600+ science marches across the globe? Here’s why the cause matters. “We’ve arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on […]
One of the lesser-discussed but potentially most disastrous appointments is in education: Betsy DeVos. Her anti-intellectual agenda would take root in the nation’s youngest minds, filtering down through descendant generations.
Forty years ago cat hyperthyroidism didn’t exist. Now 10 percent of senior cats suffer from it.
For thousands upon thousands of years, we didn’t know whether the other stars in the Universe were even like our Sun, much less whether they had planets around them like […]
New 3D images of a mouse brain reveal a neuron that encompasses the entire brain.
From obesity and heart attacks to mental disorders and compromised immune systems, a lack of sleep is deadly.
Stephen Hawking has accepted an offer to go to space. He’s one of the world’s most famous scientists, who’s been paralyzed due to ALS for much of his life.
Princeton professor Sean Wilentz explains why America has such a staunch two-party system, which was never part of the Framers’ plan.
2 min
Let’s not let the prospect of a little free money stop us from pursuing more progressive regulations and reforms.
If you think that spin-1/2 and spin-1 aren’t that different, the actual science may shock you. “The layman always means, when he says “reality” that he is speaking of something self-evidently […]
Conceptual artist Jonathon Keats proposes neuroscience-based fashion.
Our Moon might even be a rarer occurrence for a Solar System than an ‘Earth’ is. “The pressure to compete, the fear somebody else will make the splash first, creates a […]
“We’re opening up a whole new territory of astronomy,” One NASA official said.
Spontaneous talk on surprise topics. Artificial Intelligence inventor Ben Goertzel on thinking (and feeling) machines.
Since the moment humans became aware of their existence, they have been haunted by the knowledge that it will inevitably come to an end and the hope to change this […]
A yeast found in the gut micro biome of infants is implicated in the development of asthma.
American ingenuity is often foreign-born. With 51% of tech unicorns (valuation over a billion dollars) having an immigrant founder, we take a look at the Top 20 tech influencers with strong immigrant ties.
Part of the rise in autism is due to better diagnosis, but Dr. Emeran Mayer thinks it’s something in our environment, and within us, that has played a role in causing this increase.
8 min
Time crystals could even form stable qubits, making quantum computing possible.
For the first time, I genuinely enjoyed the new series. There’s been one question that’s bothered me in every episode since Star Trek: Discovery began: why would anyone want to be […]
How will we deal with the impending overpopulation crisis – and how much of a crisis is it anyway?
5 min
Our tiny Earth may have changed a lot, but the gradual changes of the Universe add up, too. “We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those […]
How Vera Rubin changed the Universe. “Science progresses best when observations force us to alter our preconceptions.” –Vera Rubin Look out at the night sky, and what do you see? […]
Why does the Universe have the properties it has? There may be no natural reason at all. “When you listen to a lecture, you should not have any idea of yourself. […]
Biologist Stuart Firestein talks about the connection between smells, tastes, and memory.
It’s not too late to change course, but we’re headed in the wrong direction faster than ever now. “Oh Beautiful for smoggy skies, insecticided grain,For strip-mined mountain’s majesty above the asphalt […]
Cognitive scientist Guy Claxton believes we should think of our entire body as our brain.
What would it take to adopt a basic income? Frank Stilwell, a Professor Emeritus in Political Economy at the University of Sydney, explains the pros and cons.
Samuel Arbesman warns that we’ve entered a new “age of Entanglement” with our complex technology-based systems.