What’s more massive than the heaviest known neutron star but lighter than the lightest known black hole? LIGO may be about to solve that mystery. Whenever a star is born in […]
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You searched for: Noise
Boy, girl: the pain is the same.
We know that life is possible on an Earth-like world around a Sun-like star. But can it find a way on a Super-Earth? When it comes to the origin of […]
The psychological disconnect between humans and other animals puts all forms of life at risk.
It’s been over 100 years since Einstein, and over 300 since Newton. We’ve still got a long way to go. From measuring how objects fall on Earth to observing the motion […]
But they are only taking the CO2 equivalent of 32 cars off the road every year.
A tool that can slowly build a better world.
Explore the many different iterations and times of New Year’s celebrations around the world.
The Buddha’s teachings seem to be on point.
A buzzworthy study looks at the strange actions of bees.
With a new data run coming in 2019 at unprecedented sensitivity, we might finally get our answers. Over the past three years, LIGO discovered ten independent instances of merging black holes […]
Dark matter’s naysayers latched onto one tiny puzzle. This new find may have solved it completely. Imagine the largest cosmic smashup you can. Take the largest gravitationally bound structures we […]
Christmas has many pagan and secular traditions that early Christians incorporated into this new holiday.
It’s the technique, from the Event Horizon Telescope, that brought us a black hole’s image. Here’s how it works. The Event Horizon Telescope has accomplished what no other telescope or telescope […]
Protected animals are feared to be headed for the black market.
A young star and a belt of gasses give the game away.
They actually have a quasicrystal-like structure
Some things in life just can’t be explained. And that’s okay.
The Boomerang Nebula, in our galaxy, is even colder than completely empty space. Here’s how that’s possible. Imagine the coldest place you possibly can. Inside it, the particles that make […]
Experiments show brain-to-brain collaboration.
Xenon-124 isn’t stable, and the direct detection of its decay could lead us to an even greater prize. Our Universe is old: 13.8 billion years old, to be precise. Many of […]
Multitasking has been shown to diminish our ability to learn, stress us out, and kill our productivity. Here are some techniques to limit multitasking and help us regain our lost time.
In all the Universe, there’s only one Earth. But can we find the other worlds that are like ours? Even though the ingredients for life have been confirmed to be practically […]
LIGO’s enormous arms contract and expand as gravitational waves pass through them. But, puzzlingly, so does the light within them. For the past three years, humanity has known a new kind […]
What should a black hole look like? Our theoretical predictions are about to meet our first observations. In science, there’s no moment more exciting than when you get to confront […]
If all you see is low-energy light in a myriad of directions, you can’t be sure. But this light comes from the Big Bang. There are a lot of things that […]
The Spilhaus Projection may be more than 75 years old, but it has never been more relevant than today.
Gravity gets weaker as the distance squared. But gravitational waves only get weaker as the distance. Why? One of the things we often just accept about the world is that […]
It was so well-motivated and compelling. But the particles never appeared. Every so often, an idea comes along in theoretical physics that’s undeniably profound. When a single idea can solve […]