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Coming from an upper middle class family, Bruce Bueno de Mesquita says, he could have afforded to pay some college tuition. Instead, he was the beneficiary of the tax dollars of less well-off New Yorkers. He argues that “tuition discrimination” makes private universities a fairer option. 
From stock trading to lawmaking to data-driven school reform, we are becoming increasingly dependent on mathematical models to explain the slippery complexity of human nature. 
School reform efforts across the country hang on the notion of annual teacher evaluations based heavily on student test scores. But if this process isn’t consistently accurate, it will get the wrong teachers fired and discourage talented people from entering the profession.
I received this recently: Dr. McLeod, I am a math teacher in [school district] and have attended two of your presentations (one last school year). I am wondering if there […]
From Roger Schank at The Pulse: n n [T]there is no evidence whatsoever, that accumulation of facts and background knowledge are the same thing. In fact, there is plenty of […]
[cross-posted at the TechLearning blog] Update: As of October 2010, I now have about 22,000 subscribers to this blog. Alter my calculations accordingly… According to Feedburner, I currently have about […]