Not all organs are from reputable sources. There is a worldwide market, and many are obtained in some pretty shady ways.
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You searched for: Doctor Tell
Through human caused climate change, we are barreling toward a world with less stability, less resources, more disease, and more lives lost to extreme weather events.
New research produces surprising results about which animals are the smartest.
At some point, our antibiotics are going to stop working. Are drug-resistant bacteria winning?
Big Think is proud to partner with the 92nd Street Y’s 7 Days of Genius Festival to bring you an in-depth look at the many qualities and characteristics of genius.
Can colorblindness be eliminated simply by changing our approach to diagnostics? Experimental philosopher Jonathon Keats claims it can be.
Monty Python’s Terry Jones argues that economics isn’t a science—it’s history! Forgetting that history inevitably dooms us to the next financial crisis.
Research finds that some early screening for breast cancer may do more harm than good. But that’s what the numbers say. How will women feel?
Why is it that in the face of a total lack of evidence for their effectiveness, so many people feel so much affection for quacks?
I was misdiagnosed as bipolar largely as a result of the pervading gender bias in ADHD diagnosis, and that is indicative of a really big problem.
Locate any of the 57 trillion three-by-three-metre squares on Earth with just three words.
Is “nudge theory” Big Brother running our lives, or just the medicine we need?
Physicians have long been counseled to have an emotionally sensitive bedside manner, but now scientists are discovering that a doctor’s words also affect our biology.
How Futurism gave us the word “robot,” the movie Metropolis, and this map of the body as a factory.
Marijuana might steal the headlines, but psychedelics are making headway in the American consciousness. DMT: The Spirit Molecule producer/director Mitch Schultz discusses this trend.
There is no direct evidence about what proceeds human consciousness, but there are stories from people who have been pronounced clinically dead.
Mariam Sultana became her country’s first woman with a Ph.D. in astrophysics. This is her story, with an update on where she is now. Mariam Sultana, Pakistan’s very first woman […]
Despite worries that inevitable automation will swallow up only low-skill jobs, one writer thinks that doctors should be legitimately concerned about the prospect of computers performing their jobs better.
Dr. David Newman, together with his team, has developed a simple information tool, called the NNT, that allows doctors and researches to communicate more clearly to patients and the general public, the effectiveness of different treatments.
BMJ blogger Richard Smith makes the bold claim that dying of cancer is the best form of death and certainly preferable to a sudden passing. Do you agree?
New York neuroticism is the obverse of Kantian tranquility: harried, unsatisfied, anxious, perturbed. A life filled with worry and noise rather than one steeped in calm and virtue. But is this necessarily a bad thing?
Before most of today’s heavy users of social media were born, persuasion researchers were exploring what it takes to not be suckered by mass media messages. Early on, they found that […]
If just the thought of spending time with Aunt Gladys makes you want to imbibe a straight quart of Everclear, it may be prudent to prep yourself for the morning after.
During a recent bout with depression, comedian Ruby Wax took time off from her career to pursue a Master’s degree in Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy from Oxford University.
She Rides is a new service launching in New York on Monday that connects female riders with women drivers. The gender-specific business plan is being scrutinized by those who say it discriminates against men. She Rides’ founder argues that her service is not unlike a women-only gym.
The downsides to feeling other people’s pain.
When Edward Jenner proposed to the parents of 8 year-old James Phipps the risky idea that rubbing some stuff from sick cows onto the young lad might protect him from […]
Are champions born or are they made? Science still cannot settle that debate. But one thing is clear: Certain brain injuries can produce super geniuses. This is not an invitation […]
Heroin addiction continues to receive media attention following the death of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman. His tragic overdose introduced America to the fact that heroin addicts do not fit any […]