Motivational psychologist Scott Rigby explains why we can’t stop playing.
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You searched for: Computers
Communications and convenience giant (Nasdaq: RIMM) RIM, the maker of the ubiquitous Blackberry, sees a number of defining trends ahead. These reflect the themes of my own research and are […]
Twitter may be fending off multi-billion dollar acquisition offers but it seems to be in turmoil and lacks vision. Mathew Ingram suggests it take a leaf out of Apple’s book.
Three of the world’s great armies have suddenly conspired to support a group of people in the coastal cities of Libya, known, vaguely, as “the rebels”. But what do we really know about them?
Researcher at Rice University, Krishna Palem has found that “pruning” away the little-used circuits on microchips can double the energy efficiency and computing speed of the chips.
The driving task has generally remained the same since the baby boomers learned to drive. That is about to change. New in-vehicle technologies are promising to make us more connected, aware […]
I spent last night in an Egyptian hospital – don’t ask, not serious – but the time away from my computer and books with only BBC Arabic and al-Arabiya gave […]
Apparently it’s Richard Elmore Day in my electronic inboxes today. Here are two great quotes… From Using technology to move beyond schools (Elmore & City): With rare exceptions, schools currently […]
In the quest to being the first or fastest to get out of a free-falling share in the stock market, financial model formulas are programmed into computers by investors great […]
[cross-posted at the TechLearning blog] nn I’m going to prime the pump a little bit for my K12 Online presentation next week… n My fifth-grade daughter’s math homework this weekend […]
Neuroengineer and speaker at the TED2011 conference, Ed Boyden wants to use modern technology to understand the brain, treat neural conditions and uncover the basis of human existence.
Thomas Nagel says that “devaluation of conscious reasoning” is a form of “moral and intellectual laziness,” and that David Brooks is guilty of same in his new book. Nagel’s review […]
The Wired blog has put together a gallery of 17 photos documenting the evolution of the computer mouse over the past 45 years. It all started with a simple wooden […]
We are currently living in the “learning decade,” according to entrepreneur Sam Herring. Here are some of the most exciting startups that are trying to capitalize on the new currency of ideas.
A U.S. national lab plans to unveil a “Titan” supercomputer in 2012 that would dwarf the computing speeds of the latest record holder from China, as well as all previous competitors.
Well, I finally wrote the article I always wanted to write: a letter to my 3,000+ faculty peers in Educational Leadership preparation programs all across the country about how our […]
Quantum computing already exists, but on a truly miniscule scale. We’ll probably have molecular computers before true quantum ones, says the physicist.
5 min
After seeing how mobile and social networking technologies led to popular revolutions in places like Tunisia and Egypt, is it possible that we’ll soon see a similar type of revolution inour own backyard?
Presuming we can be über rational about risk denies the reality of the risks that arise because we CAN’T be.
Steve Wozniak was our keynote speaker this morning at the Iowa Technology Education Connection (ITEC) conference. He may be one of the few people that talks faster than I do! […]
[this post is my contribution to Blog Action Day] E-waste is an enormous environmental issue. Digital technologies such as computers and electronic gadgets are full of toxic metals and other […]
You’re about to hand laptops over to their 12– and 13–year-old children. What do you tell your school’s parents? Here are some excerpts from what Rob McCrae, ICT Director for the […]
When Microsoft first unveiled its Surface computer about a week ago, it was clear that something special within the world of technology innovation was happening. For example, this Popular Mechanics […]
The latest report from the feds reminds us that there’s still a lot of work to be done to close the digital divide. Here are a few highlights from the […]
Don’t get me wrong: there are options to put equations on a computer. Most computers have at least Equation Editor if not MathType. Scholarly papers in mathematics often use LaTeX […]
Author Kevin Kelly, along with Tao Yang, Professor of Computer Science at the UC-Santa Barbara, led a panel discussion on the uses of computational thinking in search technology at Big […]
28 min
Fifteen million iPads were sold last year. Charles Arthur looks at the impact of tablet computers on the way we relate to technology and users reveal how their work lives changed.
In the 35 years since I got my first job teaching writing, a few new tools that make writing easier have been invented. I used a retractable fountain pen, one of […]
n nMemo to self: the singularity is here. The following description of the Blade Runner Generation in the Times Online (U.K.) sounds a lot like Ray Kurzweil’s singularity: “For the […]
One of the most interesting trends on Wall Street these days is the creation of the SPAC, or Special Purpose Acquisition Company, in order to bring IPO riches to investors […]