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For the past four decades, tension between artificial intelligence and intelligence augmentation—A.I. versus I.A.—has been at the heart of progress in computing science.
Do you want to have an affair? Noel Biderman is the chief executive officer of Avid Life Media, based in Toronto. “Monogamy, in my opinion, is a failed experiment,” he declares.
There has been much talk about facebook and twitter revolutions in the Middle East, but given the internet’s rather low infiltration rate in Yemen – I think roughly 200,000 lines* […]
‘We may need to seriously rethink the university and its future.’ [feel free to substitute ‘school’ for ‘university’] Another thought-provoking video by Dr. Michael Wesch. Happy viewing!
Last September I blogged the trailer for the movie, Race to Nowhere, which focuses on the achievement pressures faced by many of our schoolchildren. Today I had an opportunity to attend […]
Goodbye, Mark. I don’t say this lightly. I am an extremely strong advocate for free speech and for open discussion. In 4+ years – and despite numerous wide-ranging and contentious dialogues here […]
For a student who was in a school district’s middle-school-only 1:1 laptop program, it’s tough to go back to ring-binder-and-notebook-paper classrooms when she transitions to the high school. n For a child […]
Drug pushers: n n Pssst. Hey, man. Want some bennies? Wanna get amped? Got some chrome, got a little croak too. How much you got? I got something for ya. […]