We normally think of planets as being synonymous with gas giant or rocky worlds orbiting a parent star. They should all be so lucky. “You cannot be lonely if you […]
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A new ebola-awareness song recorded by an array of popular West African musicians hits the airwaves across the continent this week. The lyrics offer information for how to stay safe amidst the outbreak.
One of the trendiest ideas in popular psychology in the last few years has been that of “ego depletion” or willpower as a limited resource. Many different books have been […]
If a freak incident leaves you medically incapacitated, are your loved ones prepared to make medical decisions in line with your wishes? If not, it’s time to take action. It never hurts to be prepared.
Staticity is what keeps you bored. Those afraid to inject a little dynamism in their lives run the risk of being chronically blasé. So if something about your life is boring you, change the specific context in which you act or exist.
While Sam Harris doesn’t necessarily condone their use, his experimentations with psychedelic drugs were indelible in the formation of his worldview and understanding of consciousness.
We’re facing and failing a global “Marshmallow Test.” Even if not individually, we’ve become systemically less good at making smart now-vs.-later decisions. And economics isn’t helping — it advises “discounting” the future.
And why do some of them appear to be right here in our own galaxy, which formed much later? Image credit: DSS, of SMSS J031300.36–670839.3, candidate for “oldest star.” “Let […]
STEM careers and technology start-ups are all the rage, but national labor statistics present a different reality: most job growth will occur in fields that require far different skill sets.
With Oscar Taveras on our minds, we remember another ballplayer who was taken much too young young. More than just a Hall of Fame outfielder, Roberto Clemente was a man committed to giving back. He died tragically at the age of 38 when a plane he chartered to deliver aid to earthquake-stricken Nicaragua crashed in the Caribbean Sea.
“Any time you have an opportunity to make a difference in this world and you don’t, then you are wasting your time on Earth.”
Entrepreneurs who commit themselves to the trade, attempting to build another business if their first one (or two) fail are more likely to succeed.
When IBM Chief Accessibility Officer Frances West sat down at a recent screening of “Gone Girl,” she immediately realized that something was wrong. In the opening credits, there were “names […]
There’s a tendency to think of body language as an aspect of communication that gives us away – reveals our true meaning. We consider words more manageable, more under the […]
“We should write our own history books to prove that we did have a past, and that it was a past that was just as worth writing and learning about as any other. We must do this for the simple reason that a nation without a past is a lost nation, and a people without a past is a people without a soul.”
-Seretse Khama, 1st President of Botswana
While rain on election day is known to keep people indoors, i.e. not voting, those who do come out to vote are more likely to vote for the incumbent
Venture for America is a non-profit fellowship program that grooms the next generation of American entrepreneurs by placing them in startup apprenticeships.
In the future robotic utopia, grandma and grandpa will have electronic helpers around the house to fold the laundry, collect the dirty dishes, or straighten a necktie.
Will future historians condemn our present era as barbaric because our political institutions have failed to take bold steps toward halting the flow of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere?
Despite laws that prohibit discrimination against women in the workplace, a gap persists in what men and women receive in compensation for equal work.
The World was supposed to be finished years ago. But the financial crisis of 2008 slowed construction. Work now has resumed on the artificial archipelago off Dubai. However, changing plans […]
While plenty of criticism is leveled at contemporary business practices that focus on short-term, i.e. quarterly, profit, this way of doing business is a historical aberration.
Sitting at a desk and being inactive for long periods of time is bad for you, both in terms of health and productivity. Study after study shows it and yet […]
The data automatically stored on your portable devices can easily be used to uncover your personal secrets, says electronic security expert Bruce Schneier.
Sometimes it’s important to do absolutely nothing at work, or least not the job you’re supposed to be doing.
The CEO of SAP discusses leadership ethics and why never missing a Little League game is good for business.
Researchers have found that consuming high levels of antioxidants–specifically the kind present in dark chocolate–can improve the memory of aging persons by up to twenty-five percent.
Why quantum entanglement spooked Einstein his entire life. Image credit: Nature, October 2006 (vol 2 no 10). ‘Tis the season of ghouls, goblins, witches, demons, and things that go bump […]
According to designers at the Centre for Process Innovation, airplane windows are unnecessarily heavy and should be replaced by light-weight OLED screens projecting images from outside the plane on the inner walls.
Representative Tim Ryan of Ohio hosts a biweekly meeting of “The Quiet Time Caucus,” in which House members and their staff are invited to participate in mindful meditation.
Architect Frank Gehry’s raised many controversial buildings over the years, but few as controversial as the middle finger he recently raised during a press conference in Spain. During a press […]