Researchers create a new theory of time that goes against established physics.
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A senior scientist from the SETI project imagines how we’ll react to inarguable evidence of an alien civilization.
Looking into the great, dark unknown was a mystery for thousands of years. No longer! “Science cannot tell theology how to construct a doctrine of creation, but you can’t construct a […]
Does baldness have an evolutionary purpose? It might rob men of their youthful look but it brings many gains.
Is introversion sometimes invoked unwittingly to mask outright rude behavior? The answer is: it’s complicated. Here’s what introverts and non-introverts can do to navigate the complexity.
Here may be why religious states have a higher consumption of pornography.
Jupiter’s icy moon, Europa, may spout water vapor miles into space, says NASA, making it possible to better determine whether its vast underwater oceans support extraterrestrial life.
Swiping a bank card and Venmo-ing your friends has made money more abstract than ever – and therefore so much easier to thoughtlessly spend. A proposed new tech device would make cash-free purchases tactile again.
The study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition seems to indicate that eating regular-fat cheese has no effect on our bad cholesterol (LDL), but does have a positive effect on our good cholesterol (HDL).
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service believes a species of bumble bee – the rusty patched bumble bee – should be under federal protection under the Endangered Species Act. It’s the 10th anniversary of dark matter’s most compelling proof. “It may be that ultimately the search for dark matter will turn out to be the most expensive and […]
Stanford scientists create technology that could help severely paralyzed people communicate.
Evidence suggests that women are susceptible to male pheromones.
For nearly 50 years, a charred lump of Dead Sea Scrolls has been sitting in a lab, too brittle to unroll. Now it’s been virtually unwrapped using 3D technology, and the contents are intriguingly – and significantly – petty.
New research provides more clues about the age of the world’s most popular book.
For thousands upon thousands of years, we didn’t know whether the other stars in the Universe were even like our Sun, much less whether they had planets around them like […]
Remember that one time when a Philosopher King ruled the whole world? Well, here is how that turned out.
Manu Prakash is one of the MacArthur Foundation’s 2016 Fellows, and here’s why.
What’s the difference between “point-like” and what we can actually state? “When we think about the present, we veer wildly between the belief in chance and the evidence in favour of […]
Europe is the continent where you are most likely to be killed by Liam Neeson.
Spontaneous, deep talk on surprise topics. On this week’s episode of Think Again – a Big Think podcast, novelist Ian McEwan and host Jason Gots discuss Hamlet, moral quandaries, and how to set boundaries in a world that wants to pull you in every direction.
Words don’t work like we were taught. That old neat nouns and verbs type tale hides the weird truth. Language is a mix of flux and fixed but flexible elements that relies on “unknown knowns.”
The chicken you eat comes from birds that only live for 5 years and are susceptible to disease and inbreeding. Thank goodness Koen Vanmechelen bred a better one.
Carl Sagan was one of the people who helped shape this recording that might just end up in the hands of some other beings, somewhere out there.
Have you ever refreshed your social media page, tallying each new like or lamenting that there are none? A new study reveals what that says about your self-esteem and your sense of purpose.
Rather than life arising on Earth, did it already exist in space prior to our planet’s formation? “When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it […]
If we could stop viral epidemics before they happened, tremendous sums of money and lives would be saved. But how do we do it? A new organization called the CEPI was founded this August with a robust answer.
Researchers at MIT have developed a system that can read a person’s emotions, even hidden ones, at a distance.
A study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), found that fitness trackers don’t help you lose weight. Instead, they may impede your efforts.
A spiritual journey through the world beyond the grave, a hell, a purgatory, and a paradise is considered a masterwork of world literature.