A Swedish architecture firm proposes covering a landmark Stockholm building with plastic “hairs” that would convert the wind they capture to electricity.
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It’s time to bring in an expert in conflict resolution to help President Obama and Republican leaders in Congress work together for the sake of all Americans.
Ganymede and Europa have many of the conditions that could support life as we know it. We’ll find out if and when an internationally-sponsored probe — Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, or JUICE — gets there in 2030.
Very early in my writing career I was fortunate to be able to spend three hours interviewing Linus Pauling (above), the only person in history to win two unshared Nobel […]
In the future, we will hack our genetic code as easily as we hack computer code. Bio-hackers will become more powerful than cyber-hackers: armed with computers and samples of DNA, they […]
Maybe you’ve never heard of Emmaland or Sophialand, but if you’re reading this in the United States, there’s a better than 90% chance that you live in either one of […]
A friend of mine, school psychologist, told me recently how she was asked by parents to deliver a presentation on future career opportunities in front of third graders. She called […]
I’m a little wary of defending The Great Gatsby. Not because I’m wary of the book, which I’ve loved with a passion since age sixteen, but because I can’t speak […]
What makes a meme useful and what makes it actionable is when you cluster multiple things that look similar together and you begin to analyze the patterns and you begin to quantify it.
Last week was a big one for assumptions. There was Wolf Blitzer asking an Oklahoma tornado survivor if she was thankful that the Lord spared her life. Then that brief, […]
Grit begins in the backyard between a parent and a child.
There are many people who love Bonobos precisely for the reason that they are what they are.
Adoption is very common in the human species even though you don’t get much back from it.
Minneapolis-based Miinome is still getting off the ground, but once it does it could become the world’s first “member-controlled human genetic marketplace.”
How do you assess your own skills and how do you plan to improve them?
It used to be that any change in an organization would flow from the top down—from the executives to the front line workers. But today, especially when it comes to […]
This blog often talks about risks that we fret over too much. Time to talk about one we worry about too little; the air we breath…indoors. For a number […]
Now that CNN and BuzzFeed have joined forces to create a new online video destination, the meme-ification of the news is almost complete. The viral celebrities, the LOL cats, and the Listicles have won. The […]
“Do I want to spend time with this idea or this person?
If you’re looking for breakthroughs, you need to be willing to take huge risks and to back non-traditional approaches.
German carmaker Daimler has announced plans to put QR code stickers on its Mercedes-Benz vehicles, providing emergency personnel with valuable information that can be accessed via a smartphone at the scene.
My work with The Mission Continues is the greatest way that I can take care of the people that I served with.
There’s one institution in life where you get time off for good behavior and that’s prison.
A product doesn’t have to be perfect, but just good enough so it can be made perfect along the way.
When you believe in what you want to do and you put the concept of failure away the chances of success are even greater.
A few weeks ago my husband and I were out to dinner with some people. The table behind us was filled with eight young-ish women. They were having a bachelorette […]
Confronting addiction, we are forced to confront the truth, which is that we are not pure glowing creatures of free will.
How desperate can a city facing financial armageddon get? What’s the last resort for cities such as Detroit, wounded first by the failing American auto industry and then set bleeding […]
In a recently released report, an organization proposes that content owners be allowed to distribute software that could perform unpleasant actions on the computers of those caught downloading or viewing content illegally.
An idea whose time has come: A team of Australian designers has developed a game that can be installed on public transportation vehicles, allowing riders to play together during trips.