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The number of executions in the U.S. has dropped for the seventh straight year while more defendants are exonerated by DNA evidence.
The Department of Homeland Security is studying physical characteristics like strained facial expressions that could betray malintent.
A new study indicates that drinking dark liquors like Bourbon is more likely to give you a nasty hangover than clear liquors such as Vodka.
Researchers claim a woman’s attractiveness is not in the eye of the beholder but is instead to do with the “golden ratio” or distance between key facial factors such as nose and mouth.
A fragment of a temple to Isis submerged for centuries but recently hoisted from the Mediterranean sea is believed to date back to the era of Egyptian queen Cleopatra.
Physicists believe they have discovered “a ghostly sea of subatomic particles known as dark matter” at the bottom of an old iron mine in Minnesota.
Scientists have discovered, and caught on film, the deepest undersea erupting volcano at nearly 4,000 feet beneath the surface of the Pacific Ocean surrounding Fiji, Tonga and Samoa.