Is that required for detectors like LIGO and Virgo to work? Whenever any two things in the Universe interact at the same location in spacetime, one thing always remains true about […]
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A study by UK archaeologists finds that longbows caused horrific injuries similar to modern gunshot wounds.
The discovery may change what we know about early humans in Europe.
In the near future, most unemployed Americans will have access to government-subsidized programs. But that’s set to change in 2021.
Using magnetic nanoparticles, scientists stimulate the adrenal gland in rodents to control release of hormones linked to stress.
Each pile of dung contains a cornucopia of seeds, perfect for reforesting.
If we’re going to open major workplaces, we have to be ready for this enormous information gap. When it comes to knowing your medical status, the ideal scenario is to […]
This is one of countless studies that prove the positive impact of social connection and intimacy while highlighting the negative impact of isolation and separation.
New analysis of Apollo 17 sample reveals clues to the Moon’s violent history.
What makes some psychopaths better able to control their antisocial tendencies?
If you were awaiting screaming death from the skies, you can relax. For now.
A new study at UPenn found that effective learning includes mistakes—just not too many.
A Mercury-bound spacecraft’s noisy flyby of our home planet.
There’s a million things we haven’t done. But just you wait. The Universe as we know it began some 13.8 billion years ago with the onset of the hot Big Bang. […]
A critical thinking framework developed by psychologists can help teach mental skills necessary for our times.
The pandemic has given us an early glimpse at how truly disruptive the fourth industrial revolution may be, and the measures we’ll need to support human dignity.
Zeno’s paradox stumped philosophers, mathematicians, and intellectuals for millennia. It took physics to finally solve it. The fastest human in the world, according to the Ancient Greek legend, was the heroine […]
Do adults need to be more carefree, in order for their lives to go well?
It may be easiest when you’re young, but the proven benefits of learning a new language at any age cannot be ignored.
A Penn State study finds today’s middle-aged are experiencing much higher stress levels than 30 years ago.
The Ultra-Deep and eXtreme Deep Fields have revealed the Universe as never before. Here’s what lies inside. From 2003 through 2014, NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope observed the same tiny region across […]
R is a way of measuring an infectious disease’s capacity to spread.
When searching for extraterrestrial life, astronomers may want to look at planets with hydrogen-rich atmospheres.
Isolation and empathy are by no means mutually exclusive.
TreeTalk finds rare arboreal treasures among London’s common foliage.
On the largest scales, dark matter holds the Universe together. But on small ones, it helps reveal exactly what it is… and isn’t! Dark matter is often thought of as the […]
They say that seein’ is believin’. But everything we see has to have a scientific explanation. When you look at the Sun on a day where there’s a clear sky, […]
Someday, presumably, we’ll go back to our lives. Our furry buddies will wonder where we went.
A Cornell Health physician has blended rap and medicine to better educate kids on coronavirus guidelines.
Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods find a greater foothold in the market as demand for plant-based meats rises.