You think you’ve had a day where everything that went wrong could? T. rex has you beat.
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While building a new airport, construction crews uncover a gigantic collection of ancient bones.
To get a sense of faraway places, these ‘atlases’ let the locals give you their perspective.
Currently, more than 100 COVID-19 vaccines are being developed worldwide.
Extraterrestrial life should arise fairly easily. But intelligence is another matter entirely. Planet Earth has been around for the past 4.5 billion years or so: about the last third of […]
Sweden tops the ranking for the third year in a row.
Neo’s superhuman powers were only inside of The Matrix. The outside world offered a different reality.
Mathematics is the most useful tool we have for understanding the Universe. But it doesn’t answer to anything on its own. At the frontiers of theoretical physics, many of the most […]
Inbreeding leads to a problematically small gene pool.
The Demo-2 mission represents a new era for American spaceflight.
Universities claim to prepare students for the world. How many actually do it?
Atop certain glaciers are herds of small mossy balls that somehow move together when no one’s looking.
When facing a hard decision, consider choosing change over inaction.
A debate is raging inside and outside of churches.
An MIT system uses wireless signals to measure in-home appliance usage to better understand health tendencies.
If you traveled in a straight line for far enough, would you come back to where you started? If you were to set out on a journey from anywhere on Earth’s […]
Online dating has evolved, but at what cost?
Google is probably wrong about your health condition.
Astronomers spot periodic lights coming from near the black hole at the center of our galaxy.
When the COVID-19 crisis is over, how will education have changed? Will we have made the most of this moment?
Find a clear western horizon after sunset, and this ‘triple treat’ of a dance can be yours. Every once in a while, the night sky provides a spectacular feast for our […]
We’d like to think that judging people’s worth based on the shape of their head is a practice that’s behind us.
Maybe you’ve been wondering if you’re seeing one persistent squirrel or a rotating cast of characters.
A new wearable patch has been created at the University of California San Diego.
It’s something most adults don’t understand very well. So what should you tell a child? If you’ve ever had a conversation with an inquisitive, curious child, you might have experienced that […]
According to the analysis, the more yoga sessions a person did each week, the less they struggled with depressive symptoms.
Who is to blame for the U.S.’s dismal college graduation rate? “Radical” educator Dennis Littky has a hunch.
Time runs backward there. Other physicists are not convinced.
A larger vocabulary can be a confidence booster for children and make adults better communicators.
The texts were previously thought to be blank and were cut up for materials studies.