A famous thought experiment from the 1970s is more relevant today than ever before.
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Contact-tracing apps can be a useful tool for public health, but they have considerable false positive and false negative rates.
A new agricultural revolution could forever change the planet.
Infrared, visible, and ultraviolet combine to show us Jupiter’s features as never before. The largest planet in our Solar System, Jupiter, is our own ‘failed star.’ The best evidence-based classification scheme […]
Curious about the most used emoji on social media?
Can the main psychoactive ingredient of magic mushrooms help treat the world’s sixth most debilitating illness?
Dreams are weird. According to a new theory, that’s what makes them useful.
There were at least four major climate catastrophes that reshaped global religion. It could be happening again.
Find out the truth for yourself. If this past year has shown us anything, it’s how thoroughly we rely on high-quality expertise. As the COVID-19 pandemic swept the globe, it […]
No. But Buddhism and quantum mechanics have much to teach each other.
Cartography is serious business in Switzerland — but once in a while, the occasional map gag slips through.
Truth might be hard to find, but we can take steps to eliminate common cognitive biases.
If it weren’t for a subatomic quantum rule, our Universe would be vastly different. In many ways, our views of the distant Universe are the closest things we’ll ever get […]
A new study calls the technique “location spoofing.”
Take your story from beginning to end with expert guidance.
Ever lose track of time while doing something? It gets worse with a VR headset on.
Aliens symbolize the best and worst of humanity. When we dream of aliens, we are pondering our future selves.
Political partisanship might be a treatable condition.
If you can’t surpass it in a vacuum, try doing so in a medium instead. In our Universe, there are a few rules that everything must obey. Energy, momentum, and angular […]
These prices are too good to pass up on.
The way you speak might reveal a lot about you, such as your willingness to engage in casual sex.
Who needs steroids when you have the placebo effect?
Like autism, ADHD lies on a spectrum, and some children should not be treated.
Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that use online ledgers, called blockchains, to record transactions. These blockchains are decentralized, meaning the permanent record is not stored in one location but exists on […]
Even after our merger with Andromeda, we might retain our spiral shape for trillions of years. You probably don’t think about it very often, but the Milky Way galaxy won’t remain […]
Since 1957, the world’s space agencies have been polluting the space above us with countless pieces of junk, threatening our technological infrastructure and ability to venture deeper into space.
It uses radio waves to pinpoint items, even when they’re hidden from view.
Is working from home the ultimate liberation or the first step toward an even unhappier “new normal”?
Linguists discover 30 sounds that may have allowed communication before words existed.
Every observation out into deep space is also a look back in time. Whenever you observe an object, you aren’t viewing it in its present state. When one of Jupiter’s moons […]