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I have the pleasure of being the second guest blogger.  Thank you, Scott, for this opportunity.  I am the principal at DeGrazia Elementary School as well as a doctoral student […]
We don’t look at Nature only from the light of reason. To look for explanations behind natural phenomena is, as Einstein remarked, akin to an act of devotion.
There was a time not so long ago that I would cart along a laptop and a Palm device, in my case a Tungsten T3, wherever I went, whether on […]
After saying something really controversial like Tea Partiers aren’t Fascists, I thought it safer to return to a relatively trans-partisan commentary on a good movie.  This is part of my […]
The Baby Boomer Generation has had a disproportionate economic and cultural impact on nearly every trend of the past 40 years, so why not the Internet? Of late, there’s been […]
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg—himself a billionaire captain of the newspaper industry—has a novel perspective: maybe unions are good for business.