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After a series of protests against Tunisia’s repressive regime—sparked by high unemployment and rising food prices—forced its longtime leader Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali to flee the country, President Obama declared […]
I’ve been wanting to write this piece for a long time, but never figured out the right outlet.  This blog, however, is a great space for me to try it […]
So, in the wake of the boring–yet annoying–Golden Globes,  I’ve been asked what movies of last year I’d recommend that the foreign correspondents slighted.  Let me say, to begin with, […]
Khalid al-Hammadi writes about violations of press freedoms in al-Quds al-Arabi, which goes well with this report from the National on a proposed new press law in Yemen.Of course Minister […]
Do we pay top executives too little? That, as Tyler Cowen points out, is the question raised by a recent paper by Bang Dang Nguyen and Kaspar Meisner Nielsen. The […]
[cross-posted at the TechLearning blog] n Two weeks ago I reported on my second effort to catalog the edublogosphere, to put some shape and form to the amorphous network, to […]
Of course, conferences are great and all, but- and I know we’ve forgotten this after eight years of diplomacy- there are also military options when it comes to combating terrorism. […]
Big day today. Nothing less than the future of Yemen- and, indeed, the world- is at stake, and it will all be decided in the matter of the next two […]