In a recent article in The Australian, Matthew Westwood writes about Canadian social scientist Sarah Thornton, whose book Seven Days in the Art World (cover above) “explores the dynamics of […]
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“Remarkable claims require remarkable proof.” — Carl Sagan The “multiverse” idea—once thought to be so crazy it only belonged on late night television—has now become the dominant theory in all of […]
Caitlin Flanagan’s essay, Love Actually, in the new Atlantic, reminds us why mothers and daughters find adolescence uniquely challenging. A girl becomes a woman, and yet her relationship to that […]
1. Asphalt Maine n n Looking down upon the patched-up surface of an unnamed street, J. David Lovejoy couldn’t help noticing a remarkable example of accidental geography. The patch bears […]
Is the Boss to Jersey what Joyce was to Dublin?
When we think things out, it is usually on paper. Writers scribble random thoughts on scraps near at hand and mine those jotted flashes of insight later for fuller, more […]
A select group of thought leaders from around the world will come together tomorrow, Friday March 26th, for a live-streamed discussion surrounding “Our Energy Future,” at 1:30 PM EST. You can […]
A select group of thought leaders from around the world has come together for a live-streamed discussion surrounding “Our Energy Future.” Tune in to watch the exclusive conversation NOW on!After the […]
A luxury cruise liner which usually delivers tourists to a beach near Port-au-Prince has said it will donate spare sun loungers and beach furniture to make a temporary hospital for victims.
“Here we are now,” Kurt Cobain intoned in 1991 on Nirvana’s Nevermind album, “entertain us.” With that catch phrase, the entire genre of grunge rock launched itself into the cultural […]
Researchers at the recent European Breast Cancer Conference said that up to one-third of cases could be prevented by a healthier diet and exercise regime.
The Baltimore Sun’s Dan Rodicks asks, what’s wrong with a little class warfare? He says it’s important for America to talk about the “breathtaking divide” between rich and poor.
Last week our narcoleptic Lenovo laptop dozed off into permanent slumber. Not terribly saddened at its untimely demise, we nonchalantly recycled it (using and bought ourselves a shiny new […]
The BBC, Britain’s State broadcaster, finds itself under attack on a broad number of fronts. Over the weekend, it emerged that the Corporation is to make cuts even before it […]
The death of one-month-old Rajahnthon Haynie, whose body was found in Druid Hill Park in Baltimore on Sunday, begs the age-old question: How can child abuse be stopped?
Radical “geoengineering” projects including simulated volcanoes and man-made sun blocks could prove handy weapons in the fight against climate change, scientists are claiming.
There is a palpable sense of relief amongst many in the Labour Party that Gordon Brown finally acknowledged the inevitable and stood down, after it became apparent that there could […]
An extended and extra cold winter brought on by a gigantic asteroid strike was responsible for wiping the dinosaurs from the face of the Earth.
This week’s installment of “The Future in Motion” features a clip from an interview with Dr. Nate Lewis, a chemistry professor at CalTech. He and his team are busy developing […]
At last, a new Ian McEwan novel: Solar. The author’s website recites a list of reviews; there are so many. Tucked among them is a nod to a blog post […]
A collection of house plants have been installed in a fifth-floor space at the AC Institute in Chelsea, with a video screen above their head as part of the television-for-plants-project.
We all suspect we’re being watched. Sometimes it’s obvious like when you see CCTV cameras peering at you from every street corner in London (London is perhaps one of the […]
With most earthquake victims now treated, foreign doctors are attending Haitians’ normal health problems leaving questions about what will happen to the country’s health infrastructure after their departure.
When I read that Republican National Committee staffers had expensed nearly $2000 worth of “meals” at bondage-themed Hollywood nightclub specializing in simulated lesbian sex, I knew it couldn’t be an […]
Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation announced quarterly profits of $254 million today. It’s a sure sign that, as the industry leader plans to make readers pay for the online content of […]
The Hubble space telescope has caught Saturn’s twin auroras on camera during a rare equinox which reveals both polls of the planet lit up in a spectacular display.
As with anything else, there’s good news and there’s bad news. The bad news is that the earth is continuing to heat up—this past decade was in fact the hottest […]
Solar physicists investigating the mysteries of the solar corona have unearthed further clues by observing the sun’s outer atmosphere during eclipses over the last five years.
Despite the lack of snowfall in Vancouver, the half-Canadian mogulist Hannah Kearney has given the U.S. its first gold medal of the games.
While world leaders struggle to find a solution for climate change in a gas guzzling world, American researchers claim to have found a simple way to cool cities- painting them white.