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It’s not by burning people’s pictures and wearing the flag as a cape, but by understanding ourselves better, and understanding the person beside you. Three Ways America Can Be United Again – Through Decision-Making 3 Ways We Can Make America Great Again – Through Decision Making Looks Like We’re Making America Great Again. Here Are 3 Ways to Contribute.    
Driverless cars are nothing short of a revolution – not a technological revolution, but a social one, that will determine how fast we can accept, adapt and trust these new systems to change our lives.       Driverless cars may be borne out of science fiction, but they are fast becoming realities on tomorrow’s roadways. The transition from driver to robot is nothing short of a revolution. Not a technological revolution, but a social one, that will determine how fast we can accept, adapt and trust these new systems to change how and where we live, work, play and interact with each other.