Former US President Bill Clinton took a diplomatic route this weekend and poked fun at Democrats, Republicans and himself at the Gridiron Club’s annual dinner.
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Part 1 of the Q&A from Dr. Boris Behncke of the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Catania.
Conservative Christians used their lobbying muscle to create a gaping loophole in health care reform’s individual mandate, reports Sarah Posner in the American Prospect. Members of so-called Health Care Sharing […]
Last night, House Democrats passed comprehensive health care reform legislation. After decades of fruitless struggle, the U.S. is finally poised to extend insurance to 32 million people and curb the […]
The first evidence of a snake eating a dinosaur has been found by scientists who discovered a 67 million-year-old fossilised serpent coiled around dinosaur eggs and newborns.
From anti-inflammatories to anti-oxidants, there are a number of foods that help keep your mind protected and sharp for a lifetime.
3 min
Like Jerry Lewis, comic books seem to be an American institution best appreciated and understood by the French. Jean-Paul Gabilliet’s Of Comics and Men: A Cultural History of American Comic […]
In the classic Western film The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, James Stewart’s character confesses that he wasn’t a hero, only to hear the newspaper man he’s confessed to respond, […]
Few things have become as underappreciated in recent years as sleep. Yet for anybody who sees this activity as more of a luxury than a necessity in our ever-plugged-in world, […]
Oscar Wilde once declared that “the mystery of love is greater than the mystery of death.” Well, this might be true, but it’s not stopping us from attempting to get […]
The world’s coral reefs – which have been around for about 50,000 years – represent a critical treasure trove not only of Earth’s precious remaining biodiversity, but also of potential […]
What with turbo engines, screeching sirens, and honking cars encroaching on most of the world’s remaining quiet places, silence is a rare and precious commodity today – a natural resource, […]
It is likely that, within our lifetime, we will see a big earthquake ravage a populated area, such as northern Los Angeles, San Francisco, Tokyo, or Istanbul, to name a […]
There is almost always something sexy in her columns. The feminists, and post-feminists, forgive her for that, as every woman seems to read her. Today, the something sexy is San […]
Every election year, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) elects to their “Dirty Dozen” list twelve members of Congress who “consistently vote against the environment and are up for re-election […]
I can recall my very first reader like it was yesterday — the phrase “See Spot run” and the image of a galloping dog with floppy ears is indelibly engraved […]
An engineering team has developed face recognition software which they claim is “remarkably accurate in realistic situations” unlike existing face recognition systems.
As the year draws to a close, I want to finish by passing along my personal list of the most interesting essays on political issues from 2009. My selections are […]
You don’t need to leave a carbon footprint (plane ticket to Copenhagen) or submit to the press pass racket ($250 to declareyourself a journalist) to get access to the political […]
Bloggers, as most know, are exceptionally lazy people. Mostly, we sit around in our underwear playing flash games. Only occasionally do we get off the sofa to whip off some […]
For some, the thrill of a deal can bring about a long-awaited sense of fulfillment and a lifetime of pleasure; for others it’s always tinged with a sense of emptiness.
2 min
Sunrise Lighting, Socal Lighting, Socal Lights, Sonrise Lighting
Writing about intelligence is like running a ferry service between two different planets. On one, everyone assumes that g, general intelligence, is a real and important trait, in which heredity […]
May Yahweh rest the Soul and Bless the Spirit of Senator Edward Ted Kennedy. Well done, thou good and faithful servant. He will always be remembered for his dedication to justice and the poor. Thank you, for being a part of this lifetime.
The Free Library of Philadelphia (Philly’s public library system) shuts down on October 2nd, 2009 due to budget cuts.
In the raging debate over healthcare here in the U.S., there is one point on which everybody, from Newt Gingrich to Barack Obama, seems to agree: We should be spending […]
In our lifetime we’re going to start to see individual therapies customized for individual patients, and it’s going to change the way people get health care.
1 min
Using the Definition of the Domain of Morality as a sort of logical compass, Conservatism is argued to be “going against nature.”
James Bowman writes in the Wall Street Journal today that, beginning next month, the College Board will allow high-school students who have taken the SATs multiple times to submit only […]
If there’s one asset that doesn’t need any further protections in this life or the next it’s the estate tax, according to the LA Times. An op-ed framed the non-issue […]