Why I was prepared to hate The Structure of Scientific Revolutions but ended up loving it.
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While we can see many solar storms coming, some are “stealthy.” A new study shows how to detect them.
Everything is being driven apart. But there’s hope of reaching what’s currently so far away. For the first 7.8 billion years, the Universe unfolded exactly as scientists would have expected in […]
Despite the claims of one of Earth’s newest Nobel Laureates, the data doesn’t lie. One of the greatest scientific successes of the past century was the theory of the hot Big […]
Six visionary science fiction authors on the social impact of their work.
The anthropic principle has some fascinating scientific uses. And abuses, too. For thousands of years, humans have pondered the meaning of our existence. From philosophers who debated whether their minds could […]
Does history have a grand narrative, or is it just a random walk to no place in particular? And is the world as we know it about to change?
Evolution proves to be just about as ingenious as Nikola Tesla
The development of the revolutionary gene-engineering tool CRISPR is a tale fit for the big screen.
What if the barrier to a fulfilled life isn’t technology but culture?
As viewed by the MeerKAT telescope, this radio view of the Milky Way blows away every other way we’ve ever seen our home galaxy.
The photometric filters for the Vera Rubin Observatory are complete and showcase why they are indispensable for astronomy.
We still don’t know what dark matter is, but at least we now know what it’s not. When it comes to science, we often say that it only takes a single […]
Darwin was right again—sort of.
If we’re migrating slowly away, is our speed changing, too? Every year, planet Earth completes one revolution around the Sun while spinning on its axis. On a year-to-year basis, our […]
The Solar System isn’t a vortex, but rather the sum of all our great cosmic motions. Here’s how we move through space.
Researchers propose a new method that could definitively prove the existence of dark matter.
Despite the recent headlines, it’s an extraordinarily unlikely proposition. Have you ever wondered, if it were possible to travel through space straight ahead as quickly as you could imagine, if […]
American homes are big and polluting. Here’s how to fix that.
If they have mass, then why don’t we see any slow-moving ones? For decades, the neutrino was among the most puzzling and elusive of cosmic particles. It took more than […]
Black holes are the darkest objects of all. But are they made of dark matter? When it comes to the Universe, few objects are more compelling, fascinating, or extreme than black […]
By leveraging the difference between lit and shadowed areas, a new energy source perfect for wearables is invented.
Sure, we’re warming now. But will this continue, or will natural factors change things? According to our best understanding of Earth’s climate, the global average temperature has increased significantly over the […]
It does not matter if intelligent life exists elsewhere. We will never find each other.
More than any other nation, Japan tends to feel comfortable with the idea of humanoid robots entering the home.
A retraction regarding a May 6, 2019 article entitled “Are these 100 people killing the planet?”
Even diehard fans are experiencing superhero exhaustion. But it’s not impossible to do something original.
And if it does strike us, how much damage will it cause? Will near-Earth asteroid Apophis strike us in 2068? Generically, asteroids under ~1 km in size are irregularly shaped, will […]
75 years after Erwin Schrödinger’s prescient description of something like DNA, we still don’t know the “laws of life.”
Finding out we’re not alone in the Universe would fundamentally change everything. Here’s how we could do it.