An Australian-based firm’s $3.9 billion bid for a coal mine in Mozambique says much about its ambitions and the battle that giant mining firms will face in securing Africa’s resources.
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How can an entire universe come out of nothing? This would seem to violate the conservation of matter and energy, but Michio Kaku explains the answer.
Here are two cutting-edge solutions for how we can leverage social media in times of crisis.
In Germany, utility companies pay homeowners and businesses for power generated by alternative energies that is fed into the electricity grid. Should the U.S. take note?
We tend to think of Einstein as a highfalutin theoretical physics guru, but the physicist also worked on much more everyday tasks—like developing an energy-efficient refrigerator.
Last week I called attention to a front page article at the Washington Post which questioned the impact of the $90 billion spent by the Obama administration on the creation […]
“[I]n La Ruche you either came out dead or famous,” Marc Chagall said of the Parisian refuge of bohemian artists from Eastern Europe that he called home during his first […]
Comments like this drive me crazy: “So it is a Saudi-Iranian proxy war,” he said. (The he being: Simon Henderson, director of Gulf and energy policy at the Washington Institute […]
France generates 80 percent of its energy from nuclear power, notes Graham: “Surely we can be as bold as the French.”
1 min
This holiday weekend, many in the science community are focused on the launch of “rapid response” coordination to provide faster, more accurate details about climate science to journalists and decision-makers. […]
Advocates of nuclear power say the rational choice is to keep licensing those reactors, despite the ongoing crisis in Japan. But a healthy fear of nukes might just be evolutionarily motivated.
Amongst the weaponry of the Spanish Inquisition were such diverse elements as fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope, or at least that’s how the […]
A clothing company has begun marketing a pair of cargo pants with solar panels sewn into its pockets. The panels are designed to charge personal electronic devices.
Long days of writing and scrambling to meet deadlines often leave little time or energy for writing’s lesser cousin, blogging. And today is no different. Normally, I would prefer to […]
Presidents generally cover a lot of ground in their State of the Union addresses. But they really can only sound one theme—or call on the country to do one thing—without […]
This semester, 22 undergraduate and graduate students from a diversity of majors at American University have participated in a new course that I created titled “Science, Environment and the Media.” […]
One Earth Designs aims to ignite innovation across the socio-environmental spectrum among Himalayan agricultural and nomadic communities, working directly with local stakeholders to ensure each invention is of real practical […]
A growing number of Europeans enjoy parallel lives, such as living in Prague and working in Paris. Known as “multiple habitats,” the phenomenon has piqued sociologists’ interest.
ScienceNOW’s Top 10 list of its favorite and most popular stories of 2010 is an eclectic mix. It includes its most popular story of all time: “Does Our Universe Live Inside a Wormhole?”
A new study of Sweden’s sex trade laws sheds new light on the age-old debate about criminalizing prostitution.
Here are some excerpts from blog posts about last night’s opening keynote by Jean-François Rischard for the ISTE conference… n n Joanna Bobiash: n The keynote was disappointing. It did […]
Dear, I like your blog. I’m a regular subscriber, appreciate your work, and will use your site numerous times for my school law class. But would you please, please […]
Earlier today, I posted about the opportunity that rising gas prices and Holiday travel affords to engage Americans on energy choices and policies. The problem, as I wrote, is that […]
The Brown-Coakley Senate race in Massachusetts, which ended with the hugely unanticipated victory of unheralded newcomer Scott Brown for the Kennedy Senate seat, seems to be one of those “defining […]
For all the obstacles President Obama has faced—the terrible economy and the bitter, partisan bickering—he managed to accomplish much of what he set out to accomplish. He implemented a recovery […]
There are plenty of places on Earth that seem alien to us. The deep sea is a perfect example: it’s been said that we know more about Mars than we do about the bottom of the ocean.
Scientists always say that fusion is 20 years away, but this time the physicist says it’s for real.
“You fall backward and you’re moved by the spirit of God and you get up and go forth and you’re a different person,” artist Liza Lou says in an interview […]
Exploring open relationships can change our assumptions about intimacy and empowerment, and give excitement to a world otherwise determined by the limits of the present culture.
“Wasting food isn’t just bad in its own right, it also represents a profound waste of energy.” Scientific American reports on the amount of oil needed to support the food supply.