Have the environmental benefits of energy efficiency have been oversold? Paradoxically, there could even be more emissions as a result of some improvements in energy efficiency.
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This week I will be participating in a symposium on the “Ethical Challenges of Communicating Science in Political Controversies” hosted by the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication at Iowa […]
In the near future, an intelligent electricity grid may collect data across neighborhoods, cities and states to inform consumers of the cheapest time to use energy, but the system carries privacy risks.
Yesterday, the New York Timeslaunched the first in a series of stories focusing on the challenges of adapting to climate change. The feature profiled the city of Chicago which joined by New […]
Did you know that within six hours the world’s deserts receive more energy than humankind consumes within a year? How awesome would it be to be able to tap into […]
Futurist and singularitarian Ray Kurzweil has applied his “law of accelerating returns” to the field of solar power in saying that he in not concerned about a future energy crisis.
As KQED’s Climate Watch team reported this week at NPR, the 103 nuclear reactors in the United States power the equivalent of 3 million households. Since 1982, these nuclear energy […]
The Tea Party has definitely put their money where their mouth is when it comes to their stance on raising the U.S. government’s debt ceiling. If I were a member […]
An M.I.T. study argues that keeping nuclear waste in temporary storage for decades, rather than permanently burying it, would save money and create energy dividends in the long run.
Homelessness in America is hard to picture for those of us who haven’t experienced it. Statistics on homelessness, like the definitions of the term, vary, but some estimate that 3.5 […]
Three new technologies aim to tap unconventional energy sources—automobile motion and the temperature and saltiness of seawater—to produce vast new supplies of electricity.
In a 2008 study led by my colleague Ed Maibach, over half of the nation’s public health departments reported that their communities were already experiencing health effects from climate change, […]
A DIALOGUE BETWEEN JASON SILVA AND TECHNO-ECOLOGIC SCHOLAR RICHARD DOYLE Richard Doyle also goes by mobius, an indicator of just how important interconnections are to him – and how transformative, […]
The theory of “motivated reasoning” explains that our quick-fire emotions can set us on a course of thinking that’s highly biased, especially on topics we care a great deal about.
It has been a busy week for me – and I think I’ve alluded to why – and this is likely my last live post until June 21. Look for […]
A combination of China’s centralized political power and its new building projects on a massive scale have given it an advantage in clean energy markets, says Shi Zhengrong.
Prosperity means more greenhouse gases. In a perverse way, the global recession was good for the environment, because emissions actually fell in 2009. But as the world economy begins to […]
In Monday’s GOP primary debate, Newt Gingrich earned praise from conservatives while drawing justifiable anger from many for his labeling of Barack Obama as the “food stamp president.” As the […]
Kandeh Yumkella, Director General of the U.N. Industrial Development Organization asks: Could the changes unfolding in the Arab north usher in an Africa-wide industrial revolution?
Looking forward to the end of the world requires a divorce not only from reality, but from the awe that our infinitesimal place within it inspires.
Vision determines direction. Leadership is about going somewhere. If you aren’t going somewhere, your leadership style doesn’t matter. Plus more reasons vision is vital.
The trend of solar power getting steadily less expensive is set to continue over the next decade—in sunny parts of the world it is already starting to compete with coal production.
By 2030 the physicist expects that we will have hot fusion reactors.
Environmental groups spend more money on climate-change and clean-energy activities and campaigns than sceptical right-wing groups, according to a report by U.S. social scientist Matthew Nisbet.
From low-tech gadgets enabling livelihoods in remote African villages to satellites that spy on human rights abusers, a look at some (not necessarily sexy) technologies shaping the future.
A study from U.S. environmental scientists suggests that a method of extracting natural gas from shale rock increases methane concentrations in drinking water taken from nearby wells.
Solar power, driven by exponentially-increasing nanotechnology, will satisfy the entire world’s energy needs in 16 years.
Pay attention to what isn’t there, not just what is. Absence is just as important and just as telling as presence.
Hedonistic Sustainability is not an intellectual paradox. It is, instead, the latest and most exciting evolution of the green movement that is just now coming into its own as a […]