A new international study that looks at how different species’ bodies evolve over time has found that as humans have acquired more brain power, they have lost power in the brawn department.
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You searched for: energy
Coal is essential for creating steel, cement, and agricultural fertilizer, i.e. the pillars of modern society.
Does space stretch or does new space get created, and what does that mean for the conservation of energy? “If you put yourself in a position where you have to stretch […]
The northeast Asian nation most famous for Genghis Khan is raising its profile on the world stage by courting foreign investment, boosting its worldwide diplomatic presence, and adopting a self-sufficient energy policy.
More and more often, societies around the world are facing a conflict that puts us all at risk. People reject scientific evidence when it does not fit their worldviews […]
Every prediction it’s ever made has been verified, except for one. “These neutrino observations are so exciting and significant that I think we’re about to see the birth of an entirely […]
We observe our Universe as it is today: 13.8 billion years old and full of galaxies. What would we see 100 billion years from now? “It is always wise to look […]
NASA today released this image of Gliese 832c, the closest potentially habitable exoplanet. From NASA: This planet is only 16 light years away — could it harbor life? Recently discovered […]
In an exciting development for electric cars, Elon Musk, the C.E.O. of Tesla Motors, has announced on the company’s blog that he’s making all of Telsa’s patents public in the […]
Piss off George Lucas and shoot your eye out with a real-life light saber! “General Kenobi. Years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars. Now he begs you […]
If cars were powered by thorium, a super-dense energy source far more compact than coal, your mode of transport could last over 100 years between fueling stations.
Within one to two hours after consuming a Red Bull, or other energy drinks like it, that statement certainly seems to ring true. Studies have shown that alertness and cognitive functioning receive a temporary jolt. But what about habitual use of energy drinks? Well, that’s less studied, especially among adolescents.
Ambition can work against you by leading you to set unrealistic and overwhelming goals. Want to make a difference in the world? Think small. It’s much less complicated.
LAGUNA BEACH – During a recent trip to the Middle East, I was struck by the growing gap between countries – so much so that, more than ever, I came […]
We know several key things lie ahead for our planet: an aging population, climate change, a changing energy economy, immigration, and new personal technologies.
In what represents a shift in front office philosophy, the storied Maple Leafs franchise has hired 28-year-old Kyle Dubas wunderkind as assistant general manager. The move is seen as a victory for stats community and a blow to hockey’s “old boy’s club.” Is it the NHL’s answer to Moneyball?
Experts say El Hierro is expected to become the first island in the world to get all its electricity from wind and water power without assistance from any outside power grid.
TIRANA – Poor countries export raw materials such as cocoa, iron ore, and raw diamonds. Rich countries export – often to those same poor countries – more complex products such […]
At a time when we threaten to tip the Earth’s scales, possibly causing irreversible damage to its ecosystem, the actions of a single individual seem more ineffectual than ever.
Kepler took a look at 150,000 stars, searching for habitable worlds. Based on what it found, how many should be in our galaxy? “I’m sure the universe is full of […]
Or, in theory, can they produce an infinite amount of energy? “The atoms become like a moth, seeking out the region of higher laser intensity.” –Steven Chu Each week on our […]
Roads, pavements, and other impervious surfaces, cover 112,610 square kilometers in the US alone, which is almost exactly the size of my home country – Bulgaria. According to these calculations […]
MEXICO CITY – Less than two years into Enrique Peña Nieto’s presidency, Mexico is implementing an ambitious structural-reform package designed to lift its economy out of a multi-decade low-growth trap […]
Students, faculty, staff and alumni helped convince the university’s board that it would be better to divert those funds to companies offering environmentally friendly energy alternatives.
If spinning-and-moving charges make magnetic fields, why does a giant neutral thing have one? Image credit: NASA, Chandra X-ray Observatory, SAO, DSS, via http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap140725.html. “By allowing the positive ions to […]
There’s a supermassive black hole at the center of almost all of them, but who came first? “One has to be an optimist; one has to hope that somewhere there’ll be […]
Mars One, the Dutch non-profit that last year sent out a call for volunteers for a one-way mission to Mars, is now accepting proposals for science experiments to be sent in payloads to the red planet by 2018.
Gliese 832c, discovered by a team of Australian scientists, is among the top three most similar known planets to Earth.
What does the x-ray of an entire spiral galaxy look like? NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory took an x-ray of interacting galaxies known as M51, or the Whirlpool. NASA explains: The […]
There are monster galaxies in the Universe thousands of times the size of ours. But none of them are spirals like us! “Sometimes, I sit alone under the starsand think […]