Although ingredients in Gatorade and Powerbars may help intense athletes perform at their highest level, the rest of us ought to stay away.
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You searched for: energy
The Universe is full of surprises. These are the biggest, plus what they mean. “Surprise is the greatest gift which life can grant us.” –Boris Pasternak So it is in […]
What would happen if you dove into a hole straight through the Earth? “Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly […]
If increasing agricultural efficiency and reducing global poverty are among our goals, the world must prepare to vastly increase its energy consumption, or so said speakers at the Breakthrough Institute’s recent Dialogue conference.
With all the matter-and-energy so close together and so dense at the moment of the Big Bang, why didn’t it recollapse? Image credit: Mark A. Garlick / University of Warwick. […]
The largest structures in the Universe are phantasms, in the process of self-destructing. Image credit: NASA, N. Benitez (JHU), T. Broadhurst (Racah Institute of Physics/The Hebrew University), H. Ford (JHU), […]
Swedish scientists have created a smart, eco-friendly battery that runs on alfalfa and pine resin. The recyclable power source provides about as much power as a regular lithium battery.
We don’t know the nature of either dark matter or dark energy: 95% of our Universe. Does that mean the Big Bang is in doubt? Image credit: wiseGEEK, © 2003 — 2014 […]
In the style of Silicon Valley start ups, a group of engineers under the name Tri Alpha Energy have successfully raised $150 million in venture capital to build a fusion reactor.
Despite it’s reputation as an “infinite range” force, the realities of our Universe place a limit on its reach. “In my dreams and visions, I seemed to see a line, […]
With superhuman speed, strength and precision, how far could the man of steel hit a baseball? “If I had to choose a superhero to be, I would pick Superman. He’s […]
From atoms to solar systems to galaxies, everything seems to have rotation and revolution. Where does that come from? Image credit: Fermilab / DOE / Dark Energy camera; Dark Energy […]
As a globally recognized futurist and expert on innovation, Lisa Bodell ignites new thinking among audiences with her high energy, humor, and powerful messaging.
4 min
To be successful in whatever you do, you’ve got to be good at failing. To be good at failing, it helps to be optimistic about taking the next step.
It won’t solve everything, but there’s something we can all do to help sequester carbon. It’s as easy as planting a tree. “I believe that we are here for each […]
When did HR departments become almost categorically dedicated to compliance? Human Resources needs to serve the function of its name: be a resource for employees.
Where all the structure in the cosmos came from, and we aren’t forming new ones anymore. Image credit: Andreas Berlind, via “To be loyal to myself is to allow […]
Only very rarely are artists able to pay their bills through their craft. But that doesn’t mean they’re only relegated to boring desk jobs. In fact, many are able to use their skills to earn a living.
There’s five times as much dark matter as normal matter in the Universe. But how much of that matters for black holes? Image credit: NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope collaboration. “A […]
Author and environmental strategist Andrew Winston explains the unique ideas espoused in his book The Big Pivot, in which he promotes a green shift in business priorities away from short-term profits and toward long-term sustainability.
There are three primary ways that mobile technologies change our behavior: 1. By making things easier 2. By interrupting us 3. By giving us feedback By Making Things Easier: Let’s […]
Understanding the importance of praise in our personal and professional lives means overcoming a blind spot in human psychology that is many tens of thousands of years in the making.
Everyone knows there are two things you never bring up in conversation—politics and religion. In this secular age chock full of wars fought over one faith or another, many never […]
Do you remember where you were when you first heard of this thing called the Internet? Do you remember how this technology—email, search engines—gradually took over your life, or perhaps […]
Hiccups occur when your diaphragm contracts suddenly, likely due to a lack of CO2 in your system. Restoring that carbon dioxide is the key to regaining control.
“Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.”
– Albert Camus
Is there a way to see past the barrier the Universe puts up before it became transparent to light? Image credit: Mark Kamionkowski, of gravitational waves. “From earliest times, humans — explorers […]
Borat Who? The oil-rich former Soviet country is becoming a major player in the world energy sector, building ties with both Russia and the United States.
The burgeoning legal marijuana industry is putting pressure on public utilities, using tremendous amounts of power to grow its plants indoors, shielding them from the elements and thieves alike.
How can salmon get upstream when their waters are blocked by dams? You’ve got to see this new innovation! Image credit: William Bain / flickr. “You ain’t supposed to get […]