The fastest way to make interstellar travel a reality might not be only science fiction for long! It is humanity’s longstanding dream to venture to the stars. We long to […]
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Five Nobel Prize winners are throwing the weight of their scientific achievements behind a longevity pill by Elysium Health.
Researchers have found a way to make running and walking seem less long and tiresome. People who narrow their attention and focus on a specific object in the distance can motivate themselves to push on.
If there’s something before the Big Bang, then what does that mean for the beginning of our Universe? “You can try to lie to yourself. You can try to tell […]
The Sun is made almost entirely out of hydrogen and helium; the Earth has hardly any of either. How’d that happen? “The single most powerful element of youth is our […]
Driving battery-powered cars could pollute the air more than cars powered by fossil fuels.
Not a chance. What we’ve found may be a mystery, but it’s definitely not our Universe’s missing mass. “Time takes it all whether you want it to or not, time […]
With the full suite of observations of the Universe now at our disposal, what is the story, contents, and history of the Universe? “People are trapped in history and history […]
The unexpected downturn in prices has many Americans flocking back to gas guzzling trucks and SUVs, setting back the trend of more fuel efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles.
Executive Amanda Mesler, who has held numerous prominent roles in corporate America, including as a CEO of Logica N.A., shares examples of both successful and unsuccessful coaching of next-gen women leaders.
French researchers have developed an equation that, after accounting for specific variables, can inform runners and coaches of the optimal strategy for winning a race.
And the undeniable physics of how fusion actually works. Image credit: The FIRE Place, via “Between cold fusion and respectable science there is virtually no communication at all. …because the […]
What does it mean to be confident? Author and broadcaster Claire Shipman explains what surprised her most when researching confidence in both professional and nonprofessional contexts.
One of the eminently amusing and frustrating things in life is how people suspend common sense when thinking about anything related to their bodies or their health. Most people understand […]
Gratitude is a gift that keeps on giving. As a parent, try and encourage your children to practice being thankful throughout all stages of their development.
Engineers at Stanford University have created a material that could cool buildings to a comfortable temperature without the use of air conditioning.
Create more effective resolutions by assessing places in your life for growth while not striving to put unwieldy expectation upon yourself.
Forgiveness is a difficult thing. But not letting go, and keeping all that resentment and blame may cause more harm to overall wellness than good.
What the “independent tests” really teach us, if we’re willing to look carefully. Image credit: cold fusion hoax by Juan-Louis Naudin, 2003. “There’s a mark born every minute, and one […]
Here’s a fun thought experiment: What would happen if Earth stopped spinning around the sun? Aatish Bhatia from Wired writes on the repercussions as we finish another revolution.
It isn’t that women desire power less than men do, but in traditional organizations some common avenues to obtaining and maintaining power are blocked for them. A host of stereotypes […]
Scientists concluded that forty percent of our motivation to be proactive is derived from our genes and sixty percent is derived from environmental circumstances.
A group of psychologists are trying to give order to the creative process, presenting an “integrative model of creativity that includes personality traits and cognitive processes.”
Tools have changed our genes for millions of years. Paleo-people wouldn’t have been possible without them: artificial aids preceded and enabled their bigger brains. And the slings and arrows of […]
The densest, most massive objects in the Universe will live an awfully long time, but not forever. Here’s what happens to them. Image credit: Gemini Observatory/AURA illustration by Lynette Cook. […]
Want more realistic sci-fi? Consult a scientist. Here’s how you get access. “The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.” –Isaac […]
This weekend, the Geminids arrive, and promise to be the best meteor shower of the entire year! “Men of genius are often dull and inert in society; as the blazing […]
All things being equal, the simplest explanation is usually the best. But we don’t all agree on what “simple” means. “It is always the simple that produces the marvelous.” –Amelia […]
Once simply a countercultural festival in the middle of the desert, Burning Man is now as commercialized as the world it presumes to tune out. Out from this image shift has thrived an innovative, entrepreneurial spirit that resonates in the non-Burning Man world.
With limited land space and widespread public distrust in nuclear power, the Japanese have taken to the seas to cull energy by installing sprawling solar power plants that float right on the water.