The transition across a quantum barrier is known as quantum tunneling, and the amount of time it takes for such a transition to occur had never been measured before. For […]
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You searched for: Systems
A glimpse into what a sustainable, inclusive future will look like.
Apollo 11’s moon landing inspired many to reach for the impossible.
As more data comes in, the puzzle gets deeper and deeper. Whenever you set out to solve a problem, there are a series of steps you have to take in order […]
New research suggests brains anticipate future events through a process called anticipatory timing.
For generations, planet formation was only a theory. As 2018 comes to an end, here’s the evidence of what’s going on. The theory of planet formation has been around for a […]
How do we combat the roots of these hateful forces?
Cat owners are no more likely to be crazy than you.
If you’re careful enough, you can learn more about the Solar System than you ever imagined. This year, on March 20th, the full Moon will illuminate the night sky. With […]
With the death of Markeis McGlockton, the debate over stand your ground laws has reignited. Proponents believe they make us safe, while opponents claim they encourage vigilantism. While a consensus may be inconclusive, studies suggest such laws aren’t as effective as their drafters intended.
Average waiting time for hitchhikers in Ireland: Less than 30 minutes. In southern Spain: More than 90 minutes.
The age of the Universe is only 13.8 billion years, but we know that protons survive much longer. Here’s how. Since the discovery of radioactivity in the 19th century, humanity has […]
The U.S. law regulating the cosmetics industry was passed in 1938, and it hasn’t been significantly updated since.
A second step is to determine where violence concentrates and who is most at risk.
Surprise, surprise: The U.S. isn’t even close to the top of the list.
It’s a rare occasion for orbits to align so perfectly. Enjoy the sights this Tuesday. On Tuesday, February 19th, the Moon will reach perigee, its closest point of approach to planet […]
Proxima Centauri, our closest star, is more than 4 light years away. Reaching it under 10,000 years will be challenging; reaching it with living humans will be even harder.
Some basic areas we could all use some improvement in.
Scientists have been probing our solar system for extraterrestrial life.
As the world seems to spin ever faster, “agility” has become more than something to which a business might aspire — it’s become an absolute necessity for any company looking […]
With a new data run coming in 2019 at unprecedented sensitivity, we might finally get our answers. Over the past three years, LIGO discovered ten independent instances of merging black holes […]
Just because you don’t believe in God doesn’t mean you aren’t superstitious.
Ban Ki-moon recently criticized the state of the U.S. healthcare system as part of his work with The Elders, an international organization founded by Nelson Mandela.
The suburbs are the spiritual home of overconsumption. But they also hold the key to a better future
Economic “degrowth” may be difficult to achieve, but a “prosperous descent” is possible.
The massive Starlink satellite network from SpaceX is causing worries.
This modern therapy technique has been shown to be effective and easy to learn — could teaching it to students help cut off a growing mental health crisis?
The state joins Washington, D.C. in eliminating a predatory system that preys upon low-income people and favors the wealthy.
For years, astronomers have been puzzled by an excess of antimatter particles. Unfortunately, dark matter is probably not the solution. When you look out at the Universe, what you see […]
Brain plasticity. Mindful superpowers. Pokémon invading our grey matter. Scientists have only begun to learn about the human brain.