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You searched for: Systems
Our clean energy needs to be sourced responsibly right from the get-go.
LIGO and Virgo have now detected a total of 11 binary merger events. But exactly 0 were in the Milky Way. Here’s why. One of the most spectacular recent advances in […]
Facebook was careful to say that Libra is not maintained internally and is instead serviced by a non-profit collective of companies.
New research on the devastating health effects of ultra-processed foods has some saying yes.
Transformation of big companies is really important if we want to create a system that is fairer, more sustainable and less unequal.
7 min
The 2020 presidential candidate said companies like Amazon should “pay their fair share” as automation begins to displace human workers.
Construction of the $500 billion dollar tech city-state of the future is moving ahead.
We’re putting the “care” back into “healthcare.”
The planet has had life on it, in some form or another, for nearly as long as Earth has existed. If you came to our Solar System right after it formed, […]
Within the next billion years, the Magellanic Clouds might merge with our galaxy. But the new stars are already here. Within the Milky Way, there are only a few instances of […]
But we already knew that, didn’t we?
A study of 323 uprisings against repressive regimes yields stunning insights.
The blood of horseshoe crabs is harvested on a massive scale in order to retrieve a cell critical to medical research. However, recent innovations might make this practice obsolete.
It may have been captured by Neptune since it formed, but Triton remains king of the Kuiper belt. Our Solar System is arguably the most well-studied corner of the Universe, with […]
Documentary explores astrobiology, astronauts, and the awe of it all.
Devil facial tumor disease, or DFTD, has cut the Tasmanian devil population by 90 percent. Now, some devils have evolved to resist the virulent cancer.
Future cancer research may come from studying antler growth.
On Tuesday, NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft flew by the space rock, located some 4 billion miles away from Earth.
The Sudbury neutrino observatory, which was instrumental in demonstrating neutrino oscillations and the massiveness of neutrinos. With additional results from atmospheric, solar, and terrestrial observatories and experiments, we may not […]
The Flynn effect shows people have gotten smarter, but some research claims those IQ gains are regressing. Can both be right?
The light we observe isn’t the same as the light that gets emitted. Here’s what causes it. The light you see, when you look out at the stars and galaxies that […]
When it comes to lifelong conditions like autism spectrum disorder, we tend to be biased in a way that obscures reality.
Seemingly inconsequential decisions can alter ecosystems, as a recent Australian study shows.
Over the weekend, Pete Buttigieg warned of the dangers of white national terrorism. Officials in El Paso agree.
Psychologist and author Dan Ariely understands the appeal of rational economics: If people can be expected to behave rationally, life is simple. You can predict their behavior and devise systems […]
Showcase self taught skills.
New research reveals a major shift in what pressures life used to face.
There are three answers depending on what you consider the “edge,” but only two of them are known. If you were to go as far out into space as you can […]