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As President Obama doggedly prioritizes universal coverage over a thorough revamp of the health care system that would deliver truly efficient, sustainable care, “Obamacons”, like me, who helped elect him, […]
By funding Capitated Primary Healthcare for low-income individuals and families we can create a platform for quality and accountability that will transform and lower healthcare costs for everybody. Simply by moving the bottom we will cause a shift that will percolate through the whole system and bring change.
Latin America is the forgotten continent, often ignored by the U.S. and the rest of the developed world. But the region and its rich cultural and creative resources could play a more visible and relevant role with the advent of its creative class, which if properly supported, could partake on what is increasingly an economy of ideas and innovation. This evolution could also help the region drastically change its image.
So, here’s a quick rundown of the waves of feminism as generally accepted. As with any history of an Idea, this is just one version of the story, but I think it is a useful structure through which to think about where we are and, from whence we’ve come.
The securities industry worldwide is constructed upon the quicksand of self-delusion and socially-acceptable confabulations. These serve to hold together players and agents whose interests are both disparate and diametrically opposed. In the long run, the securities markets are zero-sum games and the only possible outcome is win-lose.
This essay describes a model for urban development that takes into account and makes use of the externalities that exist in the built environment. Buildings and the people that inhabitat them makes neighborhoods and vice versa the value of a building is in its locations. How can better frame this relationship between an object and its environment? How can develop strategies for a integral area development that learn from the best global examples?