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You searched for: Structure

A Chinese oil tanker that has run aground on the Great Barrier Reef is leaking oil and threatening to break up entirely, causing a greater spillage.
The stripping away of forests in Africa’s Democratic Republic of Congo has uncovered a 36-46 kilometer wide circular phenomenon thought to be a giant impact crater.
A new study has revealed that humans’ ability to respond appropriately to intended harms – ie moral outrage and anger – is rooted in the brain region used for regulating emotions.
A German team has turned tales of invisibility cloaks, made famous by Grimm’s fairy tales and Harry Potter, into a potential – albeit a small – reality. About 0.00005 inches in fact.
The famous Great Red Spot which can be seen on planet Jupiter is not what astronomers previously thought it was. Turns out, the red spot is a warm patch in a cold storm!
The director of the census bureau in charge of marine species, called the Global Marine Species Assessment, has issued a warning about the deterioration of earth’s coral reefs. It was […]