Have you ever poked around in the “People You May Know” box in Facebook? For the first few score people, it’s a pleasure. Click: A person I forgot I knew. […]
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At the New York Times’ Opinionator blog, Steven Mazie urges Occupy Wall Street to take inspiration from the late, great political philosopher John Rawls: Rawls’s boldest claim — that inequality […]
The key to managing change in the modern world is not having all of the answers, but rather being able to ask the right questions.
To Cornel West, Tavis Smiley, and all other African American pundits who want to own the conversation about the black community—President Barack Obama is not Captain Save-A-Negro. He is the […]
Presumably, if we better anticipate its timeline, we will carve a path that makes the Singularity era most beneficial to our species.
–Guest post by Judy Millili, American University graduate student. In today’s technologically-driven digital age, consumers are constantly inundated with drug advertisements that encourage active engagement in making decisions related to their […]
Recent discoveries in the field of neurobiology can tell us much about the causes of the current financial crisis, and how to treat it, says a former UBS exec.
Is the West presently severely disadvantaged with regard to Asia, if not in relative decline?
The global economy is heading into ‘a new danger zone’ that will require strong policy action to restore confidence says Robert Zoellick, the president of the World Bank.
So Tocqueville found two sources of the American devotion to universal education. The first is the universal literacy that is a requirement for a country where everyone works for himself. Being […]
A new study in the journal Carbon Management says architects should consider more wooden structures to reduce carbon emissions and create valuable carbon storehouses.
This paper, published online yesterday in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, introduces a new term to neuroscience: The FBN, or “Facebook number.” Your Facebook number is, of course, […]
An Italian woman is the latest person to have a murder sentence reduced on the grounds that abnormalities in her brain, and genes, could explain her aberrant behaviour.
According to Sunni Brown, people don’t share the exact same mental models. If you want someone to see what you see, you have to show it to them, which is exactly what she does.
We need to double down on collective leadership in both the public and private sectors. It’s the only way to make things work in what many would call our broken society – a society in which people (whether they’re employees or voters) desperately yearn for competence at the top.
“Knowledge is limited,” Albert Einstein once said, “imagination encircles the world.” A new program at the CERN physics laboratory, home to the Large Hadron Collider, takes Einstein’s words as their […]
An article in the Wall Street Journal titled “The Churches Of Cain And Obama” attempts to explain the philosophical differences between these two men by examining the teachings of their […]
Today we will take a few minutes to show a little appreciation for an important right in Western society – the right to divorce. It is important to celebrate this […]
Cities symbolize opportunity, but the same practicality that is prized during boom times can come to seem opportunistic following a tragedy. When do we move forward? And how often should we look back?
Today, I would like to share some thoughts on social media, particularly about Facebook with you. I started using Facebook in late 2007 but did not get much out of […]
In his book Blind Spots, Professor Max Bazerman of Harvard Business School argues that the Challenger fiasco exploited inconsistencies in the decision-making mechanisms of the brain.
The title to the new collaborative blog is “Education Recoded.” We picked this title for a variety of reasons, but most importantly we feel it is an apt description of […]
As leadership changes reshape the Middle East, science stands to benefit. New projects are moving forward thanks to interim leadership that wants to bring science back to the region.
Decision fatigue is the newest discovery involving a phenomenon called ego depletion, a term coined by the social psychologist Roy Baumeister in homage to a Freudian hypothesis.
CISCO is attracting flak for its strategy and layoffs but could this criticism be misplaced? Here are three reasons why it’s a model for other American companies.
In an advancement in biotechnology, a new microscope has allowed researchers to watch molecules move within a cell on a millisecond-by-millisecond time scale for the first time.
I’m going to be frank with you: parts of the book are an exhausting experience. “Boring” is the wrong word, but this is not a “fun” classic nineteenth-century American novel. This is a feat of endurance, captain.
“Everybody’s workin’ for the weekend” […]
Combining top-down and bottom-up approaches, a new low-cost method could enable the creation of three-dimensional nanostructured materials that serve a variety of functions.