One of the strangest theories to come out of theoretical physics is that the universe is a projection of a two-dimensional shell. New evidence suggests this hologram theory is false.
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Kris Broughton, a classy and eloquent BIG THINKER, is a particularly fervent defender of our president. Nonetheless, he’s warming up to MITT ROMNEY. He even believes that his anti-Obama rhetoric […]
“Everybody’s workin’ for the weekend” […]
Since its peak in 2007, the U.S. economy has lost almost 7 million jobs. Although the economy has begun to recover, jobs have been slow to return. Recent job growth […]
Yesterday’s launch of the new Amazon Kindle line-up was pretty impressive and has caused a stirr. Though Bloomberg apparently broke the embargo and published the news half an hour early. […]
Just about everyone realizes how bad the economy has been over the last few years. What most people don’t realize is that for most Americans the economy began to stagnate […]
Psychology and Neuroscience agree that tests themselves can be a valuable teaching tool, when they’re brief, they’re frequent, and they offer students immediate feedback.
The economic crisis is proving useful for those who want to see the European Union make the final and logical leap to becoming a unitary state, with a single currency […]
When the government violates the Constitution, courts should assign blame clearly—not bury it under euphemisms.
Riley Lark asks, ‘What’s at the heart of your classroom?‘ At the heart of mine are the concepts of student agency and continuous reflection, revision, and renewal. I teach graduate students: […]
Yesterday, the New York Timeslaunched the first in a series of stories focusing on the challenges of adapting to climate change. The feature profiled the city of Chicago which joined by New […]
Last night on Twitter, some of us geology-types (including Brian Romans, Yorrike, Volcanojw, Ron Schott, Cian Dawson) had a discussion about “big picture” geology projects. We’re talking about the equivalent […]
Well, Jon Frimann has been noticing this for the past week or so, but the increased seismicity at Iceland’s Katla has finally begun to show up in the mainstream media.CBS […]
Joseph Heller’s Catch-22turns fifty this year, and like its hero Yossarian, it seems destined to survive for the long haul. It’s the best kind of literary paradox: a classic that […]
Current C.E.O. of the British manufacturing firm Umeco, Andrew Moss believes his country can remain a relevant producer of high-tech goods in a range of contemporary industries.
This week Feministing called the UK Bill that would have banned abortion counseling “anti-choice” legislation. I think they have got that all wrong. The current arrangement gives abortion providers a financial […]
“If this guy prints more money between now and the election, I don’t know what y’all would do to him in Iowa,” Texas Governor Rick Perry said of Federal Reserve […]
Tara Sophia Mohr has a challenge for working women. “You’re brilliant and thoughtful, but could you move a few more inches in the arrogant idiot direction please?” Be an arrogant idiot is rule #5 of Mohr’s 10 Rules for Brilliant Women.
The Web has sprung the lid on a Pandora’s Box of new human connections – mirroring and magnifying the best, the worst, and the ugliest aspects of our nature.
Common wisdom, even among ‘experts’, is often shaped by unconscious peer influence. This effect may explain why world economic leaders at Davos 2008 failed to predict the financial crisis and meltdown that followed later that year.
Obsessing over our kids’ happiness may be dooming them to unhappy adulthoods. A therapist and mother reports on what she learned from books and then from patients.
Who would ever think of aging and retirement as something new? The baby boomers are certainly not the first to grow old – but they are certainly headed for a […]
Since the past four have been so successful [last year we had 114 posts!], I am putting out a call for people to participate in Leadership Day 2011. To paraphrase what I […]
In the global quest for superpower status, who represents you? Delphi Fellow Parag Khanna argues that in the future, we will all be diplomats.
July 13th. Unlucky for some. Unlucky for Rupert Murdoch and the News Corporation mafia in particular. Last week there was catharsis as Britain’s shabby political establishment suddenly realised that the […]
As tens of millions of members of the Baby Boomer generation rapidly near retirement age, America is in need of innovative new solutions that will help it prepare for an […]
Nelson Lichenstein says a patriarchal ethos was written into Wal-Mart’s DNA that today helps sustain high corporate loyalty even as wages and working conditions are eroded.
Men and women of the American armed forces are on patrol today in the ancient cities of Kabul, Herat, and throughout Afghanistan. Our soldiers come in the footsteps of so […]
In his new book, 1493, Charles Mann gives us a rich, nuanced account of how the Columbian Exchange continues to reunite the continents and globalize the world.
Whenever making claims about the brain and political attitudes, tread with care. It’s easy to open yourself up to intense criticism from the scientific community, on anything from methodology to […]