New and expecting parents can boost their baby’s development by playing games that exercise the young brain.
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You searched for: Structure
The innovative design of a Tokyo kindergarten fosters physical activity, learning, play, autonomy, and the feeling of community.
The world is improving when it comes to preventing deaths during natural disasters. Unfortunately, those improvements aren’t felt in poor countries like Nepal.
The story of our neck of the woods, on the most cosmic of all scales. “We live in a world that has narrowed into a neighborhood before it has broadened […]
Students may need to sleep on a lesson before they are able to fully comprehend and apply the new information they’ve learned.
Your IQ wasn’t set at birth. Turns out, intelligence is quite malleable. Genes play a role in influencing your intelligence, but not as much as your upbringing.
Paris-based startup NewWind R&D has built a prototype of a wind turbine that emulates a tree. The design allows for even the lightest wind to be utilized.
Nature invented software billions of years before we did. “The origin of life is really the origin of software,” says Gregory Chaitin (inventor of mathematical metabiology). Life requires what software does. It is fundamentally algorithmic. And its complexity needs better thinking tools.
And are there independent ways to check? “Youth is the gift of nature, but age is a work of art.” –Stanislaw Jerzy Lec Each week at Starts With A Bang, […]
Biologist Edward O. Wilson explains how humans came to dominate all other large animals by adopting eusocial behaviors most often associated with insects.
How the discovery of the first Pentaquark is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to new nuclear riches. “It was quite the most incredible event that has […]
High-wire artist Philippe Petit describes his process of compressing chaos in order to build a model for creative output.
3 min
Living on the moon may be a far reach — chances are any lunar colony would be located inside the moon.
“Unthinking respect for authority,” said the legendary theoretical physicist, “is the greatest enemy of truth.”
If you’re learning, you’re being taught, no matter who is doing the teaching or where the lesson is taking place (and conversely, if you’re not learning, you’re not being taught).
It’s the leftover glow from the Big Bang. Here’s what it teaches us, and why you shouldn’t worry about “anomalies” in the CMB. “The radiation left over from the Big […]
Data-driven solutions aren’t going anywhere, but the public’s perception of big data’s value is bound to buckle beneath the weight of unrealistic expectations.
Pope Francis’s moving plea to save life on Earth from a dystopian future calls on people to sacrifice some material comfort, live more modestly, and recognize that we share a common home and have a responsibility to the future. Given the nature of the human instinct to survive and prioritize ourselves over others and the immediate over the future … good luck with that, your Holiness.
All the stars in the night sky are bound in the Milky Way galaxy, just one of billions in the Universe. Here’s the story of where they come from. “The […]
The Second World War was a moral and societal nadir. The conflict’s incomparable horrors ensure its continued relevance in art, storytelling, and the general cultural zeitgeist.
Remember to set your clocks tonight if you live somewhere that observes daylight saving time. In the meantime, we can question why so much of the world sticks with outdated Imperial Time.
Uber drivers don’t have taxi licenses and do not pay taxes on the income earned.
Eliminating the estate tax makes no sense in a meritocratic system, yet most Americans are against the so-called “death tax.” The reasons why range from the hypocritical to the woefully ignorant.
Biologist Edward O. Wilson takes us through several natural stimuli that humans don’t understand yet are used by various animals to navigate and communicate within communities.
7 min
Could humans someday live to be 1,000 years old? Life extension and radical longevity are rising topics of conversation among futurist circles… and wealthy tech entrepreneurs are listening.
Fifteen college students are refusing to repay the private and public loans they received to attend Everest College, a for-profit institution that closed its doors.
New research indicates that today’s college graduates are ill-equipped to enter today’s workforce. The solution is to get more ambitious while matriculating and obtain life experience that hones your ability to innovate and adapt.
Could everything we’ve put together about science turn out to be wrong? “Revolutions are something you see only in retrospect.” –Alan Greenspan We’re always on the lookout for the next […]
If String Theory has nothing to do with reality, what are our options? “I just think too many nice things have happened in string theory for it to be all […]
A scientific legend in his own time, James Watson was awarded the Nobel Prize for helping discover the structure of DNA. Tomorrow he will sell the medal for income at a Christie’s auction.