You’ve undoubtedly heard the maxim “Life finds a way.” Well, if life has indeed found a way on one of the other trillions of planets in our Milky Way Galaxy, it would likely not be our way.
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By 2017, over half of the almost-1,200 islands comprising the country of Maldives will come under guidelines set by two United Nations programs for preserving natural resources.
To wit, it is time to abolish the IRS.
The project, sponsored by 28 nations, has collected more valuable oceanographic data in the last 13 years than any other projects in the history of the science.
Today, oceans are much louder than they used to be, and the noise is putting marine mammals’ ecosystems in danger. The US is beginning what could be the world’s largest shushing effort.
The Dow Jones Average is about to break 15,000. Any day now the atmospheric concentration of CO2 will break 400 parts per million. Think there’s a connection? A couple other […]
I had my first spiritual experience when I was 16 years old. I was sitting up late one night having a conversation with my mother about something I can’t remember, […]
A bizarre ‘planisphere palindrome’ version of the Earth
“Once you are a conscious being you have no choice but to be a change agent,” South African anti-apartheid heroine and academic Dr. Mamphela Ramphele told Charlie Rose—a rare male […]
Findings published Monday describe a thriving world of microbial life existing 30,000 feet above Earth. Comprising up to 20 percent of particles in their size range, they may affect weather on the ground.
A paper’s authors say that contrary to several decades’ worth of movie images, space travelers would see a steady bright light rather than streaks of stars.
It wasn’t your imagination: The average high temperature in the contiguous US, 55.3 degrees Fahrenheit, beat the previous record, set in 1998, by a whole degree.
The FDA has released documents stating that salmon genetically modified to grow faster are safe to eat and will not harm the environment. Now the public has 60 days to review the information.
Richer countries attempting to keep up with demand by fishing the waters of poorer countries need to rein it in, according to a newly released United Nations report.
A group of companies are coming together to create a new kind of power generator that would harvest energy from currents found at oceans’ deepest depths.
Editor’s Note: I recently read and subsequently tweeted about Submergence, the new novel by J.M. Ledgard. Then I asked one of the smartest people I know – Brian O’Neill – […]
Poets quite often make the best art critics. The same aesthetic antennae attuned to language and meaning come into play when diving into the meaning of visual art. So, when […]
Witnessing, as we all did, the events of Boston made me turn to the news. This was a mistake. Turning to social media was even worse. A mismanagement of information, […]
The team is one of the first selected to perform research during the first official cycle of the world’s largest airborne observatory.
Body weights of many marine fish are expected to shrink by up to 24 percent if greenhouse gas emissions rise, according to a new study.
If phantom islands can be discovered as recently as 2012, maybe there are still more of them out there.
The strange birth of America’s two ‘radio nations’
I’ve noticed a pattern when speaking to friends about creationism: I say the word, and in response receive a squinted eye and disgruntled head shake, followed by, ‘But no one […]
While much of the focus around climate change has been on the poles, a new study documents the effects being felt by ecosystems just off the coast of Venezuela.
You can put the smartest people in the world in the same room together and get a terrible result. Jack Hidary has a different idea of collective intelligence, which is derived from his work with the X Prize Foundation.
The most comprehensive survey yet of a coral reef system shows that Australia’s famous Great Barrier has lost half its cover since 1985.
There’s a lot of uranium in the world’s oceans, and the energy industry is one step closer to getting more of it, courtesy of American laboratories’ redesign of existing Japanese technology.
Waiting in line to pay admission late last month at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City in a sea of heavy-winter-coated humanity, I asked myself why this […]
You may have missed it, but on the Friday heading into the Christmas holiday, the FDA announced its decision about the safety of salmon genetically engineered to grow faster. After […]
While much of the news about ice melts has come from the Arctic, a study published this week describes interior “ice streams” and their effect on the integrity of the Antarctic ice sheet.