During the age of colonialism, Western powers conquered the people of Asia and objectified their women. This is well documented in literature, film, and scholarship: Here the dominant, masculine West; […]
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You searched for: Ocean
No hurricanes. No cyclones. No tropical storms in the Atlantic, Pacific, or Indian Ocean. That was September 8, 2013.
It is unclear how extensively the radiation has been spread by other fish throughout the ocean’s ecosystem.
The man who coined the country’s name was expelled from it, and died in exile
Scientists at a number of different research installations are using sound to help them learn more about the world’s oceans. They’re also sharing what they find via live online streams.
You know that old philosophical question; If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, did it fall? Here’s a variation; If a tree falls in the […]
Researchers at the University of Buffalo recently tested a submerged Internet network that uses sound waves to transmit data. They envision a host of applications, including oceanographic data collection and tsunami warning.
If you were taught it was Christopher Columbus, you aren’t alone. But just how much we knew thousands of years ago may surprise you! “When Columbus lived, people thought that the […]
Scientists have detected fracturing of the ocean floor near the Iberian peninsula, signaling the movement of tectonic plates that could eventually close the distance between North America and continental Europe.
As the cloud continues to absorb more and more information, some futurists are wondering about what extreme cold storage could look like.
Researchers have confirmed that Tamu Massif, located in the northern Pacific, is a single volcano rather than a composite of different eruption points. At 120,000 square miles in size, it’s about as big as the entire state of New Mexico.
As a marine biologist points out, upwards of 70% of Discoveries viewers fell for the ruse and now believe that Megalodon isn’t extinct.
The University of Newcastle plans to build a plant that will test a method of converting carbon emissions to inert “bricks” that could eventually be used in construction.
The combined average temperature over global land and ocean surfaces last month made it the fifth hottest June on record, tied with 2006.
The image above depicts the body of an albatross that was found on Midway Atoll in the Pacific Ocean.
As the Arctic ice continues to melt due to rising global temperatures, Russia is aggressively pursuing new trading routes.
The NOAA visualization below depicts a giant plume of dust moving off the coast of Africa.
Drifting in the deep, the hulking, yet streamlined mammoth unleashes a string of sound, a booming, but delicate song.
If stars, planets, and biological processes are so common in the Universe, then where is everyone? “If the Universe Is Teeming with Aliens… Where Is Everybody?”–Stephen Webb As egocentric as […]
Scientists are growing more confident that Jupiter’s moon could harbor life. The problem: Getting through its thick ice crust to the watery ocean beneath.
To coincide with the Discovery Channel’s annual “Shark Week” series, Nova Southeastern University has launched a Web site that allows visitors to follow specially-tagged sharks as they swim around the world.
The foul distinction belongs to ancient cousins of ours: cyanobacteria.
This image was taken with a 50 mm lens by members of Expedition 36 aboard the International Space Station, the latest in a series of stunning images released to the public.
If we scaled the entire Universe’s history from the Big Bang until now to be “one Universe year,” what would our future look like? “The way to love anything is to […]
Due to the popularity of SmallSats, industry and government agencies have come aboard the SmallSat bus. However this attention has shed light on a major obstacle: the challenge of getting those SmallSats to space in a responsive and cost-effective manner.
Although the agency refuses to confirm it, the CIA is helping to fund a study that will determine how and whether tinkering with the climate could impact national health, not to mention security.
Long assumed to be a sterile environment, Lake Vostok may very well host a living ecosystem, according to a new study. If life exists there, it may exist on other planets with similar conditions.
Researchers speculate that the forest, located just off the coast of Alabama, was buried under sediment for over 50,000 years before being revealed by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
Ganymede and Europa have many of the conditions that could support life as we know it. We’ll find out if and when an internationally-sponsored probe — Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, or JUICE — gets there in 2030.
The Suomi NPP satellite has created the highest-resolution map of the world’s vegetation to date. Not surprisingly, there’s more greenery, thanks to carbon emissions.