The White House is reportedly considering an executive order that would open up public access to scientific research.
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One look at the uncertainties and the assumptions changes the story tremendously. Is there intelligent life out there in the Milky Way beyond our own Solar System? If so, how […]
Even with the best preparation imaginable, sometimes you have to get lucky, too. Even from our perspective in 2019, 50 years later, humanity’s achievements from July, 1969, still mark the pinnacle […]
When it comes time for humanity to pick a new home, where will we go?
The Sun will eventually become a red giant star, swallowing Mercury and Venus in the process. But what will happen to Earth? There are a few existential questions we can ask […]
Norway plans to pay Gabon $150 million to protect its vast network of rainforests.
Climate-driven changes in phytoplankton communities will intensify the blue and green regions of the world’s oceans.
Geologists may have spotted evidence of the beginning stages of a subduction zone, a process that drives the movement of Earth’s tectonic plates.
Unlike most articles that are titled with a question, the answer isn’t automatically “no.” Announced on January 6, 2020, NASA’s TESS mission has just discovered its first Earth-sized, habitable zone […]
As this map of Bouguer’s gravity anomaly shows, the pull of the earth varies considerably by region.
Researchers evaluated the best and worst ways to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere in a recent report.
Since the late 1800s, what we know has advanced light years ahead.
There’s some amazing science happening at the South Pole, but some very grandiose claims being made. What’s actually going on? For some of us, the idea of parallel Universes spark our […]
“You’re all going to die” was one typical comment about the all-woman crew of the sailing ship Maiden, the first of its kind in the Whitbread round-the-world race. 30 years later, its captain Tracy Edwards, MBE reflects on the documentary MAIDEN and an act of will and teamwork that changed the world.
She was walking down the forest path with a roll of white cloth in her hands. It was trailing behind her like a long veil. It was sweeping needles, leaves […]
Octopuses are known to rapidly change colors during sleep, but it’s still unclear whether they dream like humans do.
If you traveled in a straight line for far enough, would you come back to where you started? If you were to set out on a journey from anywhere on Earth’s […]
After docking at the International Space Station, the unmanned capsule executed a fiery and carefully choreographed return to Earth.
These maps show surprising juxtapositions of ancient and modern toponyms of the Mother Continent.
It’s very different from the colloquial meanings of “true-and-false” or “right-and-wrong.” In many ways, the human endeavor of science is the ultimate pursuit of truth. By asking the natural world […]
After China stopped accepting recylables, California was put in a tough place.
Now an insult, ‘cretin’ was the medical term for a debilitating disease endemic in the Alps until the early 20th century.
If an AT-AT walker (or something even larger) wanted to walk across a frozen lake, how thick would the ice have to be? Each winter, one of the most spectacular phenomena […]
A new study shows two potential benefits of undergoing a painful ritual.
The total solar eclipse of July 2, 2019, is the longest one we’ll have until 2027. And that’s not all. On July 2, 2019, the new Moon will pass between Earth […]
The Earth is warming, and humans aren’t doing nearly enough to combat it. Could partially blocking the sunlight be the solution? It’s 2020, and not only is the Earth warmer […]
We might feel like we’re just going through the motions, but we can do better.
While the world considers future trips to Mars, two astrophysicists make a case for exploring asteroids.
The startling discovery comes from researchers with the U.S. Geological Survey.