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You searched for: Ecology

I love the future. (I just want to state my bias upfront.) It’s very easy to think about global conflict, ecological destruction, rising population, and economic inequality and believe the […]
It’s certainly cheaper than sending a person: NASA will be sending microbes into space. Researchers at UC Davis are leading the initiative. The big idea presented here is that the […]
“Should economists be advocates or engineers?” asks Noah Smith. Tradeoffs reveal how reliably they perform as either. Smith worries that his trade’s “engineering” aspects are being sacrificed for “political advocacy” […]
Doing any networking this week? If you aren’t, you probably feel you should. For a generation we’ve been hearing that rich social lives will find us jobs, get our chores […]
The 2011 Tōhoku, Japan, earthquake and tsunami killed thousands of people and damaged more than one million buildings, including the Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Plant. The initial crisis of rebuilding […]
Bees aren’t the most obvious choice when picking collaborators, but they’ve been cooperative in helping Canadian artist Aganetha Dyck create sculptures decorated with honeycomb. Her work is inspired by the […]
While a History course, for and of the ages, this “class” is ultimately the Cosmology of modern day Science. It encompasses the entirety of academia in one sweeping story of physics, astronomy, geology, biology, ecology, sociology, technology and beyond.
Maybe it’s truer and more useful to marvel at how we very nearly destroyed ourselves after discovering an unstable new energy source, then figured our way out of it. 
There is no machine known that is more efficient than a human on a bicycle.