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Neurons grown in petri dishes from stem cells have successfully been transplanted into animals’ brains and could one day benefit sufferers of spinal cord injuries.
An Illinois physics professor helped the Secret Service to break up a ring of businesses making huge profits by selling fake diplomas.
Shankar Vedantam’s new book “The Hidden Brain” is based on his belief that the human brain can reveal biases such as racism that we would avoid consciously acknowledging.
As many as half of us bring our work home with us regularly according to new research by the University of Toronto which describes “the stress associated with work-life balance”.
Every election year, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) elects to their “Dirty Dozen” list twelve members of Congress who “consistently vote against the environment and are up for re-election […]
The huge snowstorms that hit the mid-Atlantic states may have done more than just close roads and schools. They may also have had a chilling effect on climate change legislation […]
I would like to cooperate all around the world for my social and interactive public art events..If I fell where is an positive artistic and humanistic energie I like to be there…For to create new 3D art works,ideas,diologs with Artists and Public peoples…I hope I can move my artistic visions with me where I will go…
One of my first subversive art experiences was watching Terry Gilliam’s animated collage title sequences for Monty Python. The Pythons loved to poke fun at the vestiges of stuffy Victorian […]
Ron Bluntschli, an American who works with Haitian farmers through the organization Beyond Borders, told me this story years ago: “When I lived in the country there was a family […]