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A man has been arrested for attempting to pelt former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin with tomatoes at a book signing event in Minnesota.
CIA Secretary Robert Gates admitted that the government has not received credible information concerning Bin Laden’s whereabouts in several years.
Understanding animals’ “personalities,” says psychologist Sam Gosling, can help us better match them with owners and tasks. We may even someday see a “D-Harmony” for dogs and humans.
7 min
“Being first sucks.” That’s what Amanda Simpson, one of the country’s first two openly transgender presidential appointees, told ABC News. “I’d rather not be the first, but someone has to […]
Jonah Lehrer argues in the New York Times Magazine that depression might be good for us. He’s popularizing a theory advanced by two Virginia researchers who claim that depression is […]
Quick Quiz: Who is the only artist to be named “man of the century”? Picasso? Did Demoiselles d’Avignon and Guernica preach love and peace to define the twentieth century? I […]
An internet romance that ended in the disappearance of a woman has left police with a homicide investigation but no evidence and no body.
The word “explosive” is use to describe a lot of artists’ work. In the case of Cai Guo-Qiang, he actually earns the adjective. Last month, the Chinese artist inaugurated his […]