The Achilles heel of AI is an inability to discriminate between sources of knowledge that are trustworthy and those that are deceitful and manipulative.
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Sean Curry takes aim at the rapidly evolving “gourmet” food industry that is warping our expectations, mindsets and first-world privilege to a scary new level.
Despite recent bad press, Tesla’s autopilot likely saved the life of a man who experienced a severe medical condition while driving. He asked his car to drive him to the nearest hospital.
If you can’t break through a wall, you climb over it. Janna Levin, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Barnard College, points to three genius scientists who embraced limitations.
5 min
With gift ideas from as little as $11, there might be something to tickle anyone’s fancy. “It is worthy of notice that in Table VI the brighter variables have the longer […]
Today’s video is part of a series on female genius, in proud collaboration with 92Y’s 7 Days of Genius Festival.
3 min
Geobiologist Hope Jahren: studying the natural world of plants helps us transcend our human form, find joy and meaning in life, and feel more at home in this world we all journey through.
6 min
Many of us balk at the idea of biotech implants as an affront to privacy and good old-fashioned humanity – but what if it could restore your eyesight and prevent Alzheimer’s, what then?
“What we perceive as color — what we perceive as light — corresponds to a very narrow band of frequencies, out of an infinite continuum,” says Nobel Laureate Frank Wilczek.
6 min
Physicists confirm the presence of a second layer if information in DNA that determines how it folds and what kind of cells it creates.
The same way a forgotten woman astronomer — Annie Jump Cannon — first did over 100 years ago! “Teaching man his relatively small sphere in the creation, it also encourages him by its lessons of […]
We are only just beginning to understand how easy access to information is reshaping how we think.
At some point this century, we will confront the prospect of immortality, says Steven Kotler. After our bodies die, it will be possible to upload our minds into a computer, and then download them into another body.
3 min
Here’s why your wife won’t let you forget that stupid thing you did 6 months ago.
Recent studies have found that humans can feel concern over a robot if they think that it is in pain. This indicates that we can feel as much empathy for a mechanical person as a biological one.
Researchers study the rise of violence in the toys sets by LEGO, the world’s largest toy manufacturer.
Echoing Bill Nye’s favorite phrase, Tom from Western Australia asks after the practical implications of quantum mechanics. It’s a tough sell, explains Nye, but computing power is on the short list.
3 min
This discovery could lead to a whole new class of drugs for psychiatric disorders.
Waverly Labs has developed a universal language translator that sits in your ear. It’s called the Pilot.
Tesla announced it’s semi-autonomous Autopilot system was involved in its first deadly crash on May 7, 2016. This marks the first fatality involving an autonomous vehicle. However, this tragedy should not hinder progress.
Roam is one of a new subset of companies aimed at cultivating the coworking and coliving movements. Only now the horizon is abroad.
Even if the Universe grows to infinity, there might not be enough space to hold all the possibilities. “We are actually living in a million parallel realities every single minute.” –Marina […]
The achievements of the Millennial generation are already obvious, says playwright and comedian Lewis Black. And whatever their negative qualities, they pale in comparison to older generations.
3 min
Science’s picture of the world is being updated. It’s adding algomorphic thinking to its palette.
The rise of ransomware is forcing us to reevaluate our approach to negotiating with criminals.
Kickstarter loves games. Since the crowdfunding site’s inception in 2009, Kickstarter has successfully raised $444 million for this category alone.
Or can moving at relativistic speeds through a general relativistic Universe change everything? “Old age is like a plane flying through a storm. Once you’re aboard, there’s nothing you can […]
This year’s Winter X Games awarded medals to Halo 5: Guardians competitors and some professional athletes aren’t happy about it.
The brain seems to be orderly arranged in ever complex and elegant ways, unique to each individual.